One of the most important parts of your 23andMe results is the DNA raw data, which contains information on more than 700,000 genetic markers. While only a fraction of these markers are utilized to trace your lineage, the remaining data holds invaluable insights into your health and wellness, including potential risks for certain diseases. Unlocking this wealth of information is straightforward. By following seven simple steps, you can swiftly download your DNA raw data file in under a minute. Xcode Life can then analyze this data to provide ten comprehensive reports, offering you a deeper understanding of your health.
Video explainer: How to download 23andMe DNA raw data.
How To Download 23andMe DNA Raw Data?
Step 1
Sign in to your 23andMe account from the 23andMe website
Step 2
Click on the down arrow near your name from the top navigation bar

Step 3
Select "Resources" as shown below

Step 4
Click on the 'Browse Data' button

Step 5
Select the "Download" option from the next page.

Step 6
Enter the same date of birth you had given when registering your account.

Step 7
On the next page scroll down to the bottom of the download page until you see the "Submit request" button.

Step 7
23andMe will send you an email notification once your raw data is ready, or you can just refresh your download page. This may take 2-4 days.

OR, you can directly access the download page here
A Snippet From A Sample 23andMe DNA Raw Data

Also see, Free tools for 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FTDNA raw data analysis
Final notes:
Your DNA raw data is a file of size 5-7 MB in the .zip format or 16-21 MB in the .txt format.