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Tool to merge DNA raw data files


Last updated: October 6, 2020

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Customer Reviews

Ash Goodwin
May 2, 2023
Useful and easy to understand health reports from dna data
I received my Xcode life reports within the timeframe promised using my 23andme data and got useful new information from the reports to inform nutrition and supplemental strategies. Thank you!
Kimberlee Jackson
April 3, 2023
I am so glad I found XCode - BRCA and MTHFR
I am so glad I found XCode! I had my DNA results from Ancestry and was able to upload them to XCode and get answers to so many of my gene questions. Super quick turn around - they usually quote 24 hours turn around but for me it was more like 12 hours. I recently had a friend diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer so I felt I needed to get answers to my breast cancer possibilities. XCode gave me answers in ~12 hours. THANK YOU!
Jean-Marc Gohier
November 29, 2024
Quick and efficient
Quick and efficient. I downloaded my data from another app and uploaded it quickly to XCODE. I received my results within 24 hours which enlightened me on specific potential improvements to my diet and supplements. Great product and would buy for all my loved ones.
Allie Casares
July 7, 2021
In-depth results
I was curious to see the health insights Xcode had to offer since the 23andme health reports were a bit lackluster. I ordered one health report from Xcode and received results within an hour. This specific report was more extensive than 23andme and came with a helpful guide. I definitely want to order more tests but the only issue is there’s so many to choose from.
Kaycee Lommen
June 10, 2024
MTHFR gene testing - Kaycee Lommen
I did the MTHFR gene test through this company! I uploaded my 23 and me raw data and got my results quick within 48 hours. I had a hard time understanding my results but I emailed them to get better clarification and someone responded within hours and help me better understand my results! I was very pleased!
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27 comments on “Tool to merge DNA raw data files”

    1. Hello! The raw data is based on the microarray DNA chips from Illumina, who have reported around 99% accuracy. Merging your raw data files will give you access to more number of genetic markers. Hope this clarifies.

  1. I am primarily interested in participating in the SAGE South Asian Genome project to receive an Xcode Origin Ancestry report to discover more about my Indian ancestry. Is it possible to merge my raw data files from both AncestryDNA + 23andMe and submit this for the SAGE project? Will a merged raw data file result in a more accurate Xcode Origin Ancestry report or is merged data mainly beneficial for more accurate health reports?

    1. Hi Mike. Thank you for stopping by. We will soon release a tool that converts raw data files between the various 23andMe formats. Watch this space for the announcement.

  2. Creating this tool was a great initiative, very well! Unfortunately, I could not use it because I tested with FTDNA and Living DNA. I hope one day the data from Living DNA will be supported.

    1. Priority is given to 23andme calls if one of the files you are trying to merge with is in 23andme data format. If you are trying to merge FTDNA and Ancestry DNA, then priority is given to FTDNA.

  3. Dr. Watson,
    My raw data comes from Living DNA from the UK which no one seems to support. I hope the info is usable? Please let me know any discrepancy.

        1. Hi Runo! Since this is a novel tool it is at the moment compatible with our website alone. We are still in the process of testing it with other websites. We will update our findings as and when we do.

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