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Do Tattoos Cause Cancer Like Lymphoma?

Last updated: August 13, 2024

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Customer Reviews

Kimberlee Jackson
March 14, 2022
I’m so glad I found Xcode!
Wow! The amount of data and reports that you get after just an hour’s wait is immense! I finally have some answers I always wanted from my original dna company (ancestry). All I had to do is upload the data and after a short wait I received all of my reports. If you are unsure of which package to buy - do the biggest - it is so worth it!
Dawn Petrich
October 5, 2023
Xcode Life is definitely worth every penny!!!
I have been struggling for years searching for answers for health issues I have been having. Sending in my DNA to getting the results took less then 24hours. So simple, most importantly I may now have the answers I have been seeking all this time. Will definitely keep spreading the word. There is way to many people that could truly benefit from this
Crystal Davidson
September 2, 2023
Easy and comprehensive.
It was easy to use my 23ndMe raw data to generate the Xcode results. The results were comprehensive and gave me insights that will improve my overall dietary needs and fitness regimine.
Chelsea B
August 7, 2022
Highly recommend for cutting edge research
Although sceptic of any third party genetic research company, I referenced all of the results I received with my raw data and the scientifically reported papers and they all were accurate in both my genome and scientific results. I appreciate the work being done by this company and the resources they provide.
Elizabeth Moody
September 1, 2023
Useful genetic marker information
Customer services promptly replied to my email, and the information on genetic markers was very insightful!! All I needed was raw data dna file and was given accurate and useful dna info regarding disease markers.
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