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Know Your Genes: BDNF “Exercise Motivation Gene”


Last updated: October 21, 2020

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Customer Reviews

Christine Chng
March 7, 2024
Get your MCT1 Gene Fitness Report here - Christine Chng
Was trying to find a health report about gene fitness for DNA and unfortunately came across other companies who could not pull out that data from the raw file until I discovered xcode life's Gene Report. Happy with how easy the process was to upload the data and the quick turnaround time within 24 hours to provide a very concise and clear detailed analysis unlike what I have received elsewhere. Thumbs up.
Amanda Isabel
March 9, 2023
Perfect and very usefull!
Perfect and very usefull! I bought the fitness, sleep and nutrition, and it makes so much sense for me and is very helpfull. I recommend for my husband, brother and parents. Date of experience: March 01, 2023
Kathy Koenig
October 8, 2024
Leveraged my Ancestry DNA data
A fast, low cost way to leverage my Ancestry DNA data that I had purchased years ago! I really appreciate the reports. Already using the info contained. Purchased reports for my loved ones as well. I’m learning so much!
Karpowicz Pawel
May 31, 2021
Simply the best DNA service
I am very pleased with Xcode professional service. My comprehensive reports was generated fast. I could find out a lot about my health, allergy, fitness, nutrition and skin info I never knew before from my raw DNA data. Xcode has the best deal prices on the internet. Highly recommended you won't regret.
Scarlato Barros
December 4, 2021
Xcode is great for those who are curious about their genes
X code is great for those who are curious about their genes and how to navigate a healthier lifestyle according to it. Some of the reports are quite straightforward and easy to understand while others are a bit more complex and require some studying. Nevertheless, dedicating time to understanding how I could treat my body properly genetically speaking has been a great turning point in my life. Highly recommended.
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