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Empathy is the ability of an individual to identify the intentions, feelings, thoughts, and desires of another individual and respond to them. Hence, it is considered to be vital for prosocial behavior and social cognition.

Two Types Of Empathy

Genetics Of Empathy

Recent research has reported how certain genetic variants contribute to our ability to empathize, suggesting that empathy is not solely a product of upbringing or social environment, but also has a heritable component.

This exploration raises important questions about how our genetic predispositions shape our emotional responses and interpersonal relationships, paving the way for deeper insights into the nature of empathy itself.

A large study was conducted by researchers from The University of Cambridge with considerable support from 23andMe researchers. Around 46,000 23andMe customers who consented to the study, completed an online survey which was used to evaluate their Empathy Quotient (EQ).

Here are five key findings from the study about empathy genes and their impact on health and well-being:

Empathy is Heritable

You may have always felt this, innately identifying a family that may seem more empathetic.

Now, a scientific study could back you up.
This study identified certain genetic variants that could contribute to empathy.

While the study did not identify all the genes associated with empathy, the identified variants were found to contribute to 11% variability.

Before this study, empathy was considered to be a factor that was learned or taught by the social situation that a child grew up in.

Instead, this study showed that there was a genetic factor associated with empathy.
So, how will finding out about your empathy genes help? Read on to find out.

Biological Sex and Empathetic Potential

Among the 46,861 23andme participants who were included in the study, 24,543 were females, while 22,318 were males.

When male and female samples were analyzed separately, females were found to have higher EQ than males.

However, a sex-stratified analysis did not provide a genetic association, indicating that non-genetic factors played a role in this difference.

Empathy And Autism Risk

This study showed that a low EQ score was associated with an increased risk of autism.

Multiple studies support this and have shown that when self-reported empathy was low, there was an increased risk of autism (Baron-Cohen et al., 2004 and 2014).

This could be due to a struggle to identify the thoughts and feelings of other individuals rather than problems in responding.

The sex-specific analysis showed that there was a significant genetic association between EQ and autism among men, than among women.

Empathy and Schizophrenia Risk

The study found a significant genetic association between EQ and schizophrenia.

Previous scientific studies have also shown that a reduction in cognitive empathy but healthy or stronger affective empathy was associated with schizophrenia.

The study results suggest that genetic variants that were associated with self-reported empathy had a moderately increased risk of schizophrenia.

Empathy and Anorexia Nervosa Risk

This 23andme study also showed that genetic variants for self-reported empathy were associated with a slight increase in the risk for anorexia nervosa.

An earlier study (Warrier et al., 2017) also showed a genetic association between cognitive empathy and anorexia nervosa.

Further, the current study showed that there was a significant genetic association between EQ in females and anorexia.

3 Easy Steps To Analyze Your Genetic Variants For Empathy

  1. Download your raw DNA file from your service provider (for example, 23andMe, AncestryDNA, FTDNA, SelfDecode, etc.)
  2. Place an order for the Traits and Personality report (or the Wellness/Genome packs that include this report and are on discount)
  3. On your account dashboard, click on the "Upload" button to upload your file

In <24 hours, you'll have the report(s) delivered to your email inbox!

What Can You Do With This Information?

Xcode Life's Traits and Personality Report is about self-empowerment through self-awareness.

For example, people with a higher genetic score for angry temperament can take measures to actively prevent angry outbursts, once they understand that this tendency is innate.

Most people are usually aware of their innate instincts.

However, a personality genetic report can reveal several such aspects that people are generally unaware.

Xcode Life's Trait and Personality Report provides information on extraversionness, intelligence, entrepreneurship potential, and more than 25 such traits. You can find out more about it here.

Inside Article Subscription Form (#6)

Do you have your 23andMe DNA data?

Learn about your MTHFR gene status for free!

What is MTHFR and Methylation Cycle

MTHFR stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, the infamous enzyme whose incorrect shape can put you at risk for a long list of conditions.

MTHFR is a very important enzyme that converts folate into a more usable form called methylfolate in each cell of the body. Methylfolate is responsible for the production of two important compounds.

First is a class of biochemicals called neurotransmitters. They are a class of chemicals that help you think, emote, and perform all sorts of physical activities.

Non-functional MTHFR enzyme that results from single nucleotide changes in your DNA will lead to low levels of neurotransmitters that, in turn, have consequences like insomnia, anxiety, depression, and ADHD, among others.

The second important compound that methylfolate helps to make is called S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe).

SAMe helps to regulate more than 200 enzymes in the body.

Without SAMe, your body is predisposed to conditions like infertility, thrombosis, miscarriage, autism, and certain forms of cancer.

About MTHFR and Methylation Genetic Test

An MTHFR genetic test does not require a medical recommendation.

You can simply download your raw DNA data and upload it to a third-party service provider to get your results.

Genetic reports are generated after the analysis of different polymorphisms in the MTHFR gene.

These polymorphisms tell you which variants you carry and if you are homozygous or heterozygous for those variations.

Now that you know the importance of being aware of your MTHFR polymorphisms, let’s compare two popular tools that provide you with your MTHFR status. These two third-party tools provide a comprehensive MTHFR status report from your raw data from companies like 23andme, AncestryDNA, Family Tree DNA (FTDNA), and others.

Genetic Genie DNA Raw Data Analysis

Genetic Genie test is a DNA raw data analysis from a 23andme ancestry test. The results are free.

The website interprets your DNA raw data for only your methylation and detox profile.

The detox profile looks at gene SNPs of the cytochrome P450 detox enzymes, amongst others.

It is important to look at this specific information because certain genetic polymorphisms have been shown to impair the detoxification of drugs, hormones, environmental toxins, xenobiotics, and more.

Interpreting Genetic Genie Results

The results column indicates whether you have a favorable, unfavorable, or intermediate genotype.

Your result is not determined solely by any single entry but by the cumulative effect of all the genes and variations listed.

To use Genetic Genie, you need to download your raw data file from the 23andMe website and upload it to the website.

Before you upload to the tool to test your MTHFR status, it is advisable to go through the website's privacy policy.

If you want to see a sample of how the test results look, you can download the dummy raw data file available on the website and upload it immediately.

Is Genetic Genie Safe?

According to the website, the DNA you upload for the free report is not stored anywhere. Further, the data is encrypted with an HTTPS connection.

So, there's little to no risk of DNA data misuse, making Genetic Genie a very safe platform.

However, it is recommended that you read their privacy policy in detail before using their services.

Xcode Life DNA Raw Data Analysis

Xcode Life test results are expert-curated from several large and high scientific authority databases, including UK biobank, Clinvar, OMIM, SNPedia, and leading scientific journals, to name a few, to curate the variant annotations.

Once you upload your raw data to Xcode Life, you will get your test results within 24 hours. You can download your test results and take it to your next routine health test check-up.

Xcode’s MTHFR reports are easily readable, understandable, and implementable.

The core philosophy of Xcode reports is to empower the user with actionable genetic information that they can use to enhance health and well-being.

The report not only includes a number of genetic variants in the MTHFR, MTRR, MTHFD, and other genes but also detailed and practical recommendations on compensating for MTHFR deficiency.

Xcode Life vs. Genetic Genie Methylation Reports

Xcode LifeGenetic Genie
No. of variants analyzed6421
No. of genes analyzed159
Results interpretationProvidedNot provided
Bar graph result representationPresentNot present
RecommendationsIncludedNot included
Post-test one-on-one chat assistanceAvailable on requestNot available

What Is Volume Eating?

Volume eating is a diet where you eat large portions of nutritious foods like fruits, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

It is based on the Volumetrics diet created in 2000 by nutrition scientist Barbara Rolls.

One common struggle for most people trying to follow a diet plan is battling hunger.

Volume eating keeps you satiated and feeling full longer, thus preventing cravings and helping you stick to your weight loss plan.

Since volume eating promotes a nutrient-rich diet, it can also help keep you in shape.  

Benefits Of Volume Eating

Does Volume Eating Actually Work For Weight Loss?

If you are trying to lose weight, volume eating can help you manage calories without counting them.

Volume eating lets you eat a satisfying amount of food without consuming excess calories. 

It also helps you obtain all the required nutrients from your diet, such as fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

When you feel full for longer and have a nutritious diet, you are less likely to give in to cravings and reach for junk food.

Thus, volume eating aids in weight loss by:

The key here is to include a variety of foods, not just those that are low in calories.

12 Low-calorie High-volume Foods To Include In Your Diet

12 low-calorie high-volume foods displayed as icons and names


Oats can be a great addition to your daily diet. They are low in calories and high in fiber and protein and keep you feeling full for longer. Old-fashioned rolled oats showed better appetite control over four hours than ready-to-eat breakfast cereals. 

Greek Yogurt

Being high in protein, greek yogurt makes for a great addition to your diet. One cup of non-fat Greek yogurt provides 150 calories and 25 grams of protein. One study showed that women who snacked on Greek yogurt experienced much less hunger and felt satiated longer than those who snacked on crackers and chocolate. 


Strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Berries also contain a dietary fiber called pectin, which slows stomach emptying and promotes feelings of fullness. 


Eggs are rich in vital nutrients and low in calories. A large egg can provide 6 grams of protein, vitamins and minerals, and 72 calories. Consuming eggs can reduce the levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for hunger, in the body. Eating eggs for breakfast can help you feel full for longer. 


Popcorn is a fiber-rich food that can stabilize blood sugar. It keeps you feeling full longer and is an excellent alternative to potato chips. Air-popped popcorn is the healthiest variant since other varieties might have added fat and sugar. 

Chia Seeds

A 1-ounce serving of chia seeds has 4.7 grams of protein, 9.8 grams of fiber, and 138 calories. They have a unique soluble fiber that swells in your stomach and keeps you satiated longer. Incorporating them into your diet can help curb appetite. 

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in protein and can be incorporated into various meals. One cup of cottage cheese has 163 calories and 28 grams of protein.  


With a reputation for being unhealthy and causing a spike in blood sugar, potatoes have been kept out of meals for a long time. But the reality is that they are rich in fiber and can keep you full for longer. One medium-sized potato contains 4 grams of protein and fiber and 161 calories.  

Lean Meats

Lean meats like chicken, turkey, and low-fat cuts of red meat are high in protein and low in calories. 


Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which keep your heart healthy. They are also rich in protein, low in calories, and reduce the body's ghrelin levels. A study showed that fish protein keeps you feeling full longer when compared to beef and chicken. 


With 92% water content, watermelons are a great low-calorie food choice. They are also rich in fiber, promoting fullness. Additionally, watermelons are a great source of antioxidants and vitamin C.


Soup can be incredibly filling, depending on the brand or type of soup you are cooking. Opt for broth-based soups instead of creamy soups to cut down on calories and maximize fullness. 

What Low-calorie High-volume Foods Are Best For Weight Loss?

Here are some more high-volume foods that are low in calories and are best for weight loss:

Are There Any Downsides To Eating Low-calorie High-volume Foods?

Volume eating, when done incorrectly, can end up harming your body.

It is best to consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting any diet. 

Low-calorie High-volume Meal Ideas

Here are some low-calorie, high-volume meal ideas:

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Eat 500 Calories A Day And Feel Full?

A 500-calorie diet is an extreme form of a very low-calorie diet (VLCD).

It is meant for people who are suffering from extreme cases of obesity and have been unable to lose weight despite trying other diet plans. 

A 500-calorie diet requires drastically reducing your calorie intake, which can be dangerous without supervision. 

While it is best to try under medical supervision, here is a list of foods you can have to feel full even after eating just 500 calories every day: 

What Is The Best Snack For Weight Loss?

Here are some snack ideas that are l low in calories and will help in weight loss:

What Foods Fill You Up Without Weight Gain?

Foods that are sources of protein and fiber fill you up without weight gain.

Whole grain rice and bread, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat are low in calories and keep you feeling full for longer. 

What Are Some Vegetarian Low-calorie High-volume Foods?

Summary: Low-calorie, High-volume Foods

Low-calorie, high-volume foods keep you feeling full for longer without increasing calorie intake.

Over time, eating a high-volume diet can help you lose weight without eating less.

Some high-volume foods include fruits, vegetables, legumes, wholegrain bread and rice, eggs, and lean meat. 

When done with a focus on balanced nutrition, volume eating can reduce cravings and aid in weight loss.

However, when you include or exclude foods from your diet simply based on calories, it could lead to a deficicny of essential fats in the body.

An excess of fiber, typical for most foods that keep you full longer, can lead to digestive problems. 

If you want to try volume eating, consult a nutritionist or your healthcare provider for optimum results. 





Have you ever noticed severe tooth pain and wear despite an excellent oral hygiene routine? Ten percent of adults experience bruxism, involuntary teeth grinding in their sleep. It can happen due to sleep disorders or excessive snoring. Over time, it can damage your teeth and jaws. Your genes can put you at a higher or lower risk of developing bruxism. That’s why it’s vital to understand bruxism and your possible genetic risk for it.

Teeth Grinding Or Bruxism: Causes and Symptoms

Bruxism can happen due to:

Some common symptoms of bruxism are:

Is Teeth Grinding Genetic?

Research has shown that teeth grinding can be genetic and run in families.

If your close relatives have bruxism, you are at risk of developing this disease.

How Is Bruxism Inherited?

21-50% of people with a close family member with bruxism will develop this condition.

NTRK2 and BDNF genes have a link to your risk for bruxism.

These two genes are involved in stress regulation pathways.

Bruxism, Genes, and Serotonin

People with altered serotonin receptors are at an increased risk of developing bruxism.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that influences mood and memory.

Changes in the serotonin receptors, such as HTR2A, can decrease serotonin levels in the body.

It might result in anxiety, which is the leading cause of teeth grinding.

Common antidepressants like SSRIs can put you at risk of developing bruxism.

What Is The Number One Cause Of Teeth Grinding?

Stress and anxiety are the leading cause of teeth grinding.

Clenching your teeth when you are stressed or anxious is typical behavior.

It continues in your sleep as sleep bruxism.

You can also develop this condition due to genetics.

Bruxism can run in families and increase the risk of developing this condition.

Sleep disorders such as apnea can also cause teeth grinding.

What Causes Teeth Grinding In Children?

Studies have shown that nearly 50% of children experience teeth grinding at night.

Teeth grinding can start as soon as teeth come in, so even toddlers and infants can suffer from bruxism.

It can occur due to:

Other Risk Factors For Teeth Grinding

Is Bruxism A Neurological Disorder?

Bruxism is both a neuromuscular and a dental disorder.

Physicians do not usually treat this disorder.

Dental surgeons and TMD specialists are better equipped to treat this condition.

Is Bruxism Related To Autism?

Teeth grinding is often a problem in children with autism.

In addition, they often cannot communicate clearly with their caregivers.

Thus, it becomes difficult to treat them, and their oral health gets compromised. 

They might also have eating and sleep disorders, aggravating the problem.

Consequences Of Teeth Grinding

There can be several consequences if teeth grinding goes untreated:

teeth grinding- infographic picturizing the comparison between healthy teeth and the effects of bruxism

Bruxism: Diagnosis And Treatment

Teeth grinding cannot be cured entirely.

Several preventive measures can relieve symptoms and decrease teeth and jaw damage.

While some people might not need help at all, here’s what you can do if your bruxism turns serious:

What If You Don't Treat Bruxism?

Chronic bruxism can compromise your oral health.

If left untreated, you might develop tooth pain and problems.

Your enamel will erode, exposing the underlying dentin. 

An exposed dentin could make your teeth painfully sensitive to cold or hot foods.

Bruxism can also cause chronic jaw pain, which can become more severe over time.

Summary: Is Teeth Grinding Genetic?

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The MTHFR Gene

The MTHFR gene produces an enzyme with the same name - MTHFR. 

Methylene-tetra-hydro-folate-reductase acts on an inactive form of vitamin B9 (folate), converting it to a useful form for the body. 

Active folate helps reduce the levels of a harmful molecule called homocysteine in our body, producing a beneficial molecule named methionine instead.

Methionine helps our body synthesize proteins and other vital compounds.

Understanding MTHFR Gene Mutations

A mutation in the MTHFR gene means the MTHFR enzyme produced can’t do its job effectively. 

There are two kinds of MTHFR variants: C677T and A1298C. 

This means that the nucleotide C at position 677 on the gene was replaced by the nucleotide T.

Similarly, A at position 1298 may be replaced by C.

These mutations are fairly common among populations today.

Health Risks Due To MTHFR Mutations

An ineffective MTHFR enzyme cannot produce enough folate to regulate homocysteine levels in the body. This condition is known as homocystinuria.

Increased levels of homocysteine can lead to the following health conditions:

Knowing whether you carry the MTHFR mutation can help you stay prepared for your later years and know if you’re passing your risk to future generations.

Inheriting MTHFR Mutations

The health risks associated with MTHFR mutations are present only if an individual has two copies of a mutated MTHFR gene.

This means that a child with an ineffective MTHFR enzyme will have inherited two copies of an MTHFR mutation, one from each parent.

The mutation will come into effect if the child carries:

Image showing a schematic hierarchy depicting how the MTHFR mutation is inherited

Debunking MTHFR Mutations: Myths Vs Facts

The Presence Of A MTHFR Variant Can Lead To Homocystinuria

MTHFR isn't the only gene associated with homocystinuria.

In fact, another gene called, CBS has a stronger association.


Only extreme situations lead to a full-blown mutation, and the detection of an MTHFR variant on a report isn’t necessarily a cause for concern.

It’s Not Safe To Consume Folates If You’re Diagnosed With An MTHFR Mutation.

While it’s true that a mutated MTHFR enzyme can’t act upon folates effectively, it’s also important to understand that your body has other ways of handling folates. 


The folate level in your blood is more dependent on your folate intake than your MTHFR mutation.

Certain Birthmarks Are Signs Of The Presence Of An MTHFR Variant

Birthmarks like stork bites, sugar bugs, and sacral dimples could spook parents into worrying about the health of their infants.

However, they aren’t a cause for concern since they fade away as time passes.


Additionally, no studies have been published that show any correlation between these birthmarks and the adverse effects of the MTHFR mutation. 

Folic Acid Supplements Are Needed For All People With MTHFR Variants

In most cases, no. 

Even a double C677T mutation only lowers folic acid levels by 16%. 


Folic acid levels also depend on various factors like diet and environmental exposure.

If the labs don’t indicate a severe deficiency, adding extra vitamin B9-rich foods to your diet should do the trick.

MTHFR Mutation Testing

An MTHFR gene mutation test helps identify the aforementioned two common variants in this gene. 

It is done with a saliva or blood sample.

Some direct-to-consumer genetic testing companies also allow you to upload your existing raw DNA ancestry test file to provide the MTHFR report.

The results will flag the variants, if present, and may also include recommendations for maintaining healthy MTHFR and folate levels.

It is important to discuss the results with your healthcare provider for further course of action.

Methylation & MTHFR

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Learn your status for 14+ methylation genes, including MTHFR, MTR, MTRR, COMT, and AHCY.

Frequently Asked Questions: MTHFR Mutations: Myths vs Facts

What Medicines Can’t I Take With An MTHFR Mutation?

Acetaminophen has been shown to have some side effects like asthma or pregnancy complications. Since MTHFR is part of a pathway that helps combat these side effects, it’s recommended to avoid acetaminophen if you have an MTHFR deficiency.

What Autoimmune Diseases Are Associated With MTHFR Mutations?

The MTHFR mutation is one of two genes whose mutations stand to trigger autoimmune diseases. It’s rare, but MTHFR can interfere with the immune system’s ability to detoxify your body effectively.

What Cancers Are Associated With MTHFR?

The C677T variant that leads to the MTHFR mutation has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in specific populations. 

Summary: Myths Vs Facts About MTHFR Mutations

  1. MTHFR Gene Function: Converts inactive vitamin B9 (folate) into an active form, reducing homocysteine levels and producing methionine.
  2. Common Mutations: C677T and A1298C variants can lead to an ineffective enzyme, affecting folate processing.
  3. Health Risks: High homocysteine levels from MTHFR mutations can cause cardiovascular diseases, dementia, nerve damage, and birth defects.
  4. Inheritance: Risks are present if both parents pass on the mutated gene, either as two copies of the same variant or one of each.
  5. Debunking Myths:
    1. Not all MTHFR variants cause severe issues.
    2. You can continue consuming folates even with an MTHFR mutation.
    3. No link between certain birthmarks and MTHFR variants.
    4. Not everyone with MTHFR variants requires supplements.
  6. Testing: MTHFR gene mutation tests identify C677T and A1298C variants through saliva or blood samples. Discuss results with a healthcare provider for proper guidance.






Have you ever wondered why, despite a perfect bedtime routine, you find yourself waking up precisely at 4 AM? While the reasons behind this early awakening vary widely, they often reflect a complex interplay of hormonal rhythms, lifestyle choices, environmental factors, and genetic makeup. Recent advancements in genetic research show how our DNA can influence sleep patterns and susceptibility to sleep disturbances. In this article, we explore the intersection of nature and nurture and how it can make you wake up at the same time every night.

Did You Know?

Sleep disturbances could strongly affect your well-being.

Diet and lifestyle matter, but it's essential to understand how genes factor in. Learn more:

Causes Of Disturbed Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is relaxing, rejuvenating, and essential for the body. 

Everyone needs different amounts of sleep, but most experts agree that seven to eight hours each night is healthy.

Though the amount of sleep one requires varies, adults must get seven to eight hours of it every day.

However, not everyone is lucky enough to get good sleep each night.

Disturbed sleep could be due to:

Why Do I Keep Waking Up At 4 AM?

An infographic answering the question: Why do I keep waking up at 4 AM?

Sleep is periodic and can be divided into cycles.

In the first cycle, your brain prepares to fall into deeper sleep as you wind down.

Subsequently, your brain’s pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin.

Melatonin puts you to sleep as your body detoxifies.

As morning approaches, around 4 AM or so, melatonin levels fall.

In response, your brain stimulates the adrenal glands to release cortisol.

Since cortisol is the stress hormone, it tends to “activate” your body.

This response could wake you up at 4 AM every morning.

You could also be waking up in the middle of the night due to:

Is It Normal To Wake Up At The Same Time Every Night?

Most of us wake up at least once every night but usually return to sleep immediately.

It’s a normal part of our natural sleep cycle.

With age, sleep patterns change, and the brain adapts.

Consult a doctor if you wake up several times at night and have sleep issues that regularly impact your day.

How To Avoid Waking Up At 4 AM?

Here are a few handy tips for good sleep hygiene:

Genetics And Sleep Disturbances

Waking up at the same time every night or experiencing disturbed sleep can be a byproduct of many sleep aspects, including circadian rhythm and sleep disorders.

No single gene directly determines your likelihood of waking up at 4 AM each night.

Your genetics may still contribute to this issue by influencing several aspects of sleep health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Wake Up At 4 AM With Anxiety?

At 4 AM, melatonin levels drop, and cortisol levels rise.

Since cortisol is the stress hormone, you may feel stressed or anxious at 4 AM.

Why Do I Wake Up Hot At 4 AM?

A warm bedroom environment is usually the culprit.

Sometimes, medications or medical conditions could affect your body’s temperature regulation.

Summary: Why Do I Keep Waking Up At 4 AM?

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