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Though most oral health conditions are preventable, 3.5 billion people worldwide suffer from cavities, gum diseases, and oral cancer. According to the Centre for Disease Control, 90% of adults 20 years and older have had at least one cavity in their permanent teeth during their lifetime. While some people have chronic and frequent dental cavity issues, other people avoid dental visits for years at a stretch! Could this mean dental cavities are genetic?

What Are Dental Cavities?

Dental cavities or regions of tooth decay are permanently damaged areas of tooth structure that result in cavitation(the formation of a hole) in the tooth’s structure.

Dental cavities occur due to:

How Do Dental Cavities Occur?

Dental plaque is a thin, colorless, sticky film that covers the surfaces of teeth.

It harbors bacteria, food particles, and saliva when you eat.

If you don’t brush your teeth properly, plaque builds up and can harden.

Hardened plaque is called tartar; this layer is difficult to remove with simple brushing.

Dental plaque is an essential factor in the initiation of tooth decay.

Stages Of Tooth Decay

Tooth cavities occur in five stages:

Early or Initial Demineralization

Bacteria in the plaque begin to produce acids.

These acids start demineralizing (dissolving) the enamel, the outer layer of your tooth.

As enamel begins to lose minerals, it forms a white spot on the teeth. 

Enamel Decay

The white spot darkens to a brownish shade as the enamel breaks down further.

It eventually forms a cavity that a dentist can fill up and prevent from worsening.

You may not have any other signs or symptoms at this stage.

Dentine Decay

The decay progresses into the middle tooth layer, called the dentine.

Dentine is softer than enamel and tends to decay faster.

The dentine layer houses the tooth nerves. 

That’s why your teeth suddenly become sensitive to hot or cold foods or drinks.

Pulpal Damage

The decay reaches the innermost layer of the tooth, called the pulp.

The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels that nourish the tooth.

When tooth decay irritates the pulp, it starts to swell.

The pulp cannot swell freely since the tooth’s structure is firm.

It begins to apply pressure on the nerves and tissues below. 

This pressure triggers the pain commonly associated with cavities.

Abscess Formation

An inflamed pulp causes an abscess (a pocket of pus)  to form at the bottom of your tooth.

The infection could spread to nearby tissues if abscesses aren’t immediately addressed and drained.

The treatment for tooth cavities depends upon the stage at which you report to your dentist.

It can range from a simple filling to a tooth removal.

Are Cavities Genetic? Image depicting the effects of different stages of decay on the tooth.

Are Cavities Genetic? 5 Ways Genes Affect Tooth Decay Risk

There is ample research to show that cavities are genetic.

Genes influence various factors that could increase your risk for cavities.

Enamel Structure

Amelogenesis is the process of the formation of the enamel.

This process determines the tooth’s size, shape, color, and likelihood of decay.

Genes could alter the proteins that are a part of this process.

This change, in turn, could affect the likelihood of cavity formation.

Immunological Response

Streptococcus mutans is a bacterium present in a healthy oral cavity.

Your immune response influences the growth of this bacteria in the mouth.

Some gene changes result in weaker immune responses, which can lead to irregular growth of S.mutans. 

This bacterial growth can increase your risk of cavities. 

Sweet Taste Preference

Some people have a genetic inclination to prefer sweet food more than others. 

They seek out higher amounts of sweet foods.

Eating too many sweet foods can increase your risk of tooth cavities. 

Nature, Flow, And Composition Of Saliva

Saliva flow and consistency play a role in tooth decay and other oral diseases.

When saliva is thin and free-flowing, it can easily wash away bacteria from your teeth.

Thinner saliva reduces your risk of gum disease or other infections.

On the other hand, having less saliva increases the risk of tooth decay.

Studies have shown that women have less saliva than men, putting them at risk for tooth decay.

Saliva comprises various electrolytes, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, and phosphates. They help inhibit caries formation and progression.

Specific gene changes result in inadequate electrolytes in saliva, increasing the risk for cavities.

Oral Microbiome

The oral microbiome is the collection of microbes residing in your mouth. 

It can lead to the development of numerous oral infectious diseases, including dental caries, periodontitis, and peri-implant disease.

Genetic factors can contribute to the imbalance in the gut microbiome, resulting in an increased risk for all these conditions.

An imbalanced gut microbiome increases your risk for all these conditions.

Other Factors That Influence Cavity Formation

Besides the causes of tooth cavities mentioned above, other lesser-known factors include:

5 Effective Tips To Prevent Genetic Cavities

Tooth cavities are highly preventable, and here are a few practical tips for doing so, regardless of genetics:

Are cavities genetic? An infographic providing useful tips on preventing tooth decay. Each point is represented as an icon followed by some text.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Reverse Cavities?

Enamel damage can heal over time.

A cavity that has reached the dentine or pulp needs medical attention.

Is A Black Spot On A Tooth A Cavity?

It isn’t always the case. 

Certain foods can leave some stains on your teeth, discoloring them.

Can Mouthwash Get Rid Of Cavities?

Mouthwash can significantly reduce the probability of getting a cavity.

However, an existing cavity from tooth decay needs medical attention.

Summary: Are Cavities Genetic?

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LifeDNA and 10X Health are two major players in the field of genetic testing. They both offer well-reputed tests to unlock insights into your DNA. Their reports provide valuable recommendations to help improve overall health and wellness. This article compares both companies based on report quality, pricing, user experience, user reviews, and privacy policies. LifeDNA or 10X Health? By the end of this article, you’ll be able to make the right call.

The Basics


LifeDNA was founded in 2017 by Steve Markowitz. 

It is headquartered in Hawaii and specializes in DNA-based health and wellness services. 

LifeDNA offers three pricing plans for their genetic tests, ranging from $99 to $249.

10X Health

10X Health is a company that provides personalized health solutions.

These include genetic tests, blood tests, multivitamin supplements, and more.

10X provides two kinds of genetic tests centered around health and nutrition.

They are priced at $599 and $1,299 respectively.

LifeDNA vs. 10X Health Gene Testing

Report Quality

10X Health’s reports come with a 400-page guidebook that contains detailed information on each trait analyzed.

It also provides recommendations for nearly every facet of health and wellness.

A sample 10X Health genetic test report
A sample 10X Health genetic test report

LifeDNA provides shorter reports with clear trait outcomes and recommendations where applicable.

Both reports present their results lucidly.

A sample LifeDNA genetic test report
A sample LifeDNA genetic test report


Between the two companies, 10X Health has the more expensive reports.

They offer a genetic test for $599 and a precision genetic test for $1,299 

Their Precision Genetic Test results include a 400-page guide to optimal nutrition and fitness.

The report prescribes personalized supplements to help manage health and weight, but you must purchase them separately.

On the other hand, LifeDNA offers better value for money. 

They offer 3 products: a methylation test for $99, a wellness bundle for $199, and a wellness bundle with a DNA kit for $249.

Their plans contain reports on dozens of traits with actionable recommendations.

User Experience

After receiving your DNA sample, LifeDNA can take up to 2 weeks to deliver their reports.

Since shipping a DNA kit can take time, LifeDNA allows you to upload raw DNA data from a few other genetic testing services.

10X Health takes 6 to 8 weeks to return genetic test results and doesn’t seem to accept DNA from raw data providers.

User Reviews

LifeDNA has a 4.0 score on Trustpilot.

Most users are satisfied with the presentation of their results and prompt customer service.

On the other hand, 10X Health has a score of 1.6.

Users aren’t happy with the generic nature of their reports and prescriptions.

While 10X Health has reached a wider audience, LifeDNA has better word of mouth online.

Privacy Policy

LifeDNA is transparent about user data security. 

Each user’s data is encrypted safely, and the user has full control over it.

LifeDNA does not use or share genetic data for research or commercial purposes without the user’s consent.

Read LifeDNA’s privacy policy here.

10X’s privacy policy mentions 11 kinds of data they collect from their users.

They use this data to create a customer profile, which helps curate your experience on the site and the report’s content.

They may use this data for targeted advertising and commercial purposes.

Read 10X Health’s privacy policy here.

Methylation Genetic Test: LifeDNA vs 10X Health Gene Testing

Some users aren’t satisfied with 10X’s methylation report.

10X Health only analyzes 5 genes for methylation.

In contrast, LifeDNA analyzes 12 genes at a fraction of the price.

Their methylation report also accepts raw DNA data from providers like 23andMe, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, Living DNA, and FTDNA.

Thus, LifeDNA is the better choice for methylation genetic testing.

Which One Should You Pick? LifeDNA vs 10X Health Gene Testing

Who Should Choose LifeDNA?

LifeDNA is a good pick for people who take a casual interest in genetic DNA testing.

Their reports are concise and delivered faster than 10X Health’s reports.

LifeDNA’s recommendations are contained within their reports, so it isn’t the right choice for people looking to overhaul their health and wellness lifestyle.

Who Should Choose 10X Health?

10X Health is the better option for people who want to make active changes in their lifestyle.

10X prescribes specific supplements to help with nutrition and fitness, which could improve your health in the long run.

Due to its pricing, 10X is not the right choice for people who want to understand their genetic makeup in a casual sense.

The Verdict: LifeDNA vs 10X Health Gene Testing

CriterionLifeDNA10X Health
Report QualityShorter, more conciseLonger, more detailed
Pricing3 reports: $99, $199, $2492 reports: $599, $1,299
User ExperienceReports delivered faster, better customer supportReports delivered slower, poorer customer support
User Reviews4.0 stars on Trustpilot1.6 stars on Trustpilot
Methylation Genetic TestingMore genes analyzedLess genes analyzed

While 10X Health is a decent choice for genetic testing, LifeDNA is the better choice due to:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Methylation Testing Worth It?

Understanding your body’s methylation processes with a genetic test is worth it.

It can help you address health risks to improve your overall well-being.

What Are The Alternatives To 10X Health Test?

Xcode Life offers a comprehensive suite of reports at an affordable price.

Xcode delivers its reports within 24 hours and offers a free consultation on the results.

Summary: Life DNA vs 10X Health Gene Testing

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From nutrition and fitness to health and sleep, a world of information is waiting to be explored within your existing DNA data. One such company that offers genetic testing services is Genomelink. Here, we discuss and review the company’s services and reports. This article is a must-read before you choose to avail yourself of their services!

Genomelink, headquartered in Berkeley, California, is a DNA data upload and analysis site.

It was co-founded by Yuta Matsuda and Kensuke Numakura in 2017. 

The company provides a personalized discovery platform for people to explore their DNA, catering to amateurs and genealogists. 

It tests 200+ traits under categories like Personality, Intelligence, Fitness, etc.

Genomelink’s mission is to build a DNA App store where users can access genetic information “from fun personal discoveries to impactful health insights.”

Ancestry Reports Review

Genomelink offers an impressive range of ancestry reports. 

Their 12 ancestry offerings range from global ancestry to native American reports. 

Let’s have a brief look at them below:

A look at the various ancestry reports offered by Genomelink

Is Genomelink’s Ancestry Report Accurate?

Genomelink has mixed reviews on the accuracy of ancestry reports. 

A few Reddit threads report inaccuracies in their Genomelink reports compared to AncestryDNA’s reports.

Other reviews report that ancestry estimation was closer and more accurate than MyHeritage.

Ultimately, the reports' accuracy depends on the markers analyzed for a particular ethnicity and the number of people in the database.

Wellness And Health Reports Review

Genomelink offers six health and wellness reports:

Snippets of the Genomelink report on Health and Wellness

Are Genomelink’s Wellness And Health Reports Accurate?

According to a feedback survey by Genomelink, 74% of its 300 traits were reported as “accurate” by its users.

However, it’s important to remember that the results reflect the data uploaded. 

If the data doesn’t include critical markers for a particular trait, the result may be inaccurate. 

Uploading Your DNA Raw Data

You can either upload your raw DNA data yourself or directly import it from 23andMe or MyHeritage. 

Raw data files from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and MyHeritage are compatible with Genomelink.

Once the upload is complete, you will be required to answer the following questions:

  1. Your Birthday
  2. Your ethnicity
  3. Your gender
  4. Interested report categories
  5. How you discovered Genomelink

You will then be taken to your account dashboard to view your results for the 30 free traits.

How To Login To Your Genomelink Account?

Follow these three simple steps to log in to your Genomelink account:

  1. Head to the homepage and click the “Sign In” button in the top right corner.
  2. You’ll be prompted to enter your email ID and password.
  3. Once that is done, you can click “LOG IN,” and you should be able to access your account.
A screenshot highlighting the sign-in button on Genomelink's home page

You can also log in via Google, Facebook, and Apple, provided they are connected to your account.

If you cannot remember your password, you can reset it using the “Forgot Password” option on the top right corner of the login page.

A screenshot of Genomelink's login page, highlighting the 'forgot password' button.

Is Genomelink Safe To Use? About Privacy.

Genomelink is generally considered safe to use. It claims to uphold strong privacy standards and allows users to control their data.

According to Genomelink’s website, they:

However, there are concerns about data security, potential inaccuracies in the insights provided, and mixed user reviews regarding reliability. 


After signing up, Genomelink displays a page with links to its Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Users must accept these terms and conditions of the service.

If you consent, the company shares your data with third-party research partners like Luna DNA, DNA Solves, etc., to aid scientific research.

Both AncestryDNA and Genomelink are reputed ancestry testing services. 

However, AncestryDNA has been in operation for a lot longer than Genomelink.

Each service has its strengths.

Genomelink is known for the variety of services it offers, such as whole-genome sequencing, a technology that provides ancestry information based on your chromosome (XGmix), DNA match, interactive dashboard, etc.

AncestryDNA is known for its extremely high accuracy (over 99%) for each marker tested.

Further, AncestryDNA boasts an extensive database of 22 million people, enhancing the accuracy of ethnicity estimates.

Genomelink Pricing

Genomelink’s sign-up process is free. You can access only 30 out of 200 traits with the free plan.

To access the remaining traits, you need to subscribe to the Unlimited Monthly Plan, which costs $ 14 per month.

What Do People Say? – Genomelink Reviews & News


Genomelink Review on Trustpilot (3.8/5)

Genomelink Review on Reddit


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Genomelink can be a good, cost-free place to start if you are new to DTC genetic tests.

The results are mainly user-friendly to read.

They seem to have in-depth information on privacy and the use of users’ data.

The free version of Genomelink is definitely worth a try. 

You might want to think twice before going ahead with the subscription, though.

Genomelink emails your results even for the locked traits, which are one each week. 

The report bundles are overpriced for the number of traits they cover.

The reports look visually appealing; however, the sample reports seem to only be for illustrative purposes.

The actual web-based reports need not be as attractive.

It’s better to check out other cheaper alternatives for these reports. 

Best Third Party Tools for Family Tree DNA (FTDNA),Ancestry DNA, 23andme Raw Data Analysis

2025 Update: Free Tools For 23andMe, AncestryDNA Raw Data Analysis

GenomelinkXcode Life
Type of genetic testingDNA raw data analysisDNA raw data analysis
Ancestry reportsOfferedOffered in select countries
Health reportsNot offeredOffered
Pharmacogenomic reportsNot offeredOffered
Raw data uploadOnly from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and MyHeritageDNA raw data from ALL major providers accepted. Comprehensive list
Number of reports910
PriceSingle Reports: $39-$99Trait plans: $14/month; Yearly payment: $96/yearReports: $30-$50Bundles: $160-$199one-time payment Price details
Sample reportsAvailable as PDFAvailable as detailed report walkthrough videos
Trustpilot Rating3.8/54.7/5

LifeDNA was founded in 2017 by Steve Markowitz. It is headquartered in Hawaii and specializes in DNA-based health and wellness services. They offer three pricing plans, ranging from $99 to $249. Before investing in their genetic reports, it’s best to know all the facts. Read on to learn more about LifeDNA’s reports and whether they’re worth your money.

Image: LifeDNA Home

How Does LifeDNA Work?

  1. Sign up for a LifeDNA account through your email, Google, or Facebook.
  2. Pick a suitable plan of your choice
  3. Clients can upload raw data from other companies or order a LifeDNA kit.
  4. If you upload your raw DNA data, LifeDNA returns its reports within hours.
  5. LifeDNA’s physical kit can take up to 7 days to reach you and up to 5 days to be shipped back. The lab analysis itself can take up to two weeks.
  6. Clients can access their reports from the website by logging into their accounts. The reports are also regularly updated with ongoing research.

Review Of LifeDNA Services And Reports

LifeDNA primarily offers reports on nutrition, health, and wellness.

Methylation Genes Report - No DNA Kit - $99

The report studies mutations of the MTHFR gene and other associated methylation genes.

Wellness Report Bundle - No DNA Kit - $199

Everything in Methylation Genes Report +

Additional freebies and discounts with this bundle include:

Wellness Test Bundle - DNA Kit Included - $249

Everything in the Wellness Report Bundle +

Purchasing plans offered by LifeDNA on their website.
image taken from LifeDNA's website

What Is In Each LifeDNA Report?

A typical LifeDNA report contains several traits, each with a circle indicating the level of risk in the result.

It also contains a short trait summary and a “research level” as a quality measure.

They elaborate on each trait, listing the analyzed DNA markers, breaking down your result, and offering recommendations.

Nutrition Report

The nutrition report contains information on about 18 traits, some of which are:

Vitamins and Supplements Report

This report gives you information on 26 vitamins and other micronutrients. The recommendations included tell you whether to maintain your intake or modify it.

The report includes analyses of:

Image source: DNA Testing Choice

Fitness Report

The LifeDNA Fitness report includes a genetic analysis of 19 fitness-related traits, some of which include:

Wellness Report

The LifeDNA wellness report includes 16 traits concerning your wellbeing, some of which include:

Personality and Cognition Report

The Personality and Cognition report provides information about how your genetic makeup will likely affect your personality and cognition. Includes 27 traits, like:

Skincare Report

The Skincare Report contains genetic information and active recommendations on 15 skin-related traits such as:

Snippet from LifeDNA’s skincare report

LifeDNA Coupons

LifeDNA regularly offers coupons that lower the price of the items in your cart.

Some of these (as per couponbirds.com on 8th October 2024) include:

Wethrift.com mentions the following coupons as of 8th October 2024:

Note: These coupons may or may not work, depending on the items in your cart and the time you redeem them.

About LifeDNA Privacy

LifeDNA is transparent about user data security.

They guarantee the protection and safety of genetic data through encryption. 

According to LifeDNA, they do not own raw data upon upload; instead, ownership remains 100% with the client.

Without the client's consent, LifeDNA does not use or share genetic data for research or commercial purposes.

Clients may view their data, delete it, or wipe their accounts by emailing the company’s support team.

For more information on LifeDNA’s privacy policy, click here.

LifeDNA Online

LifeDNA’s reputation amongst netizens on Reddit is mixed.

Some users aren’t satisfied with the accuracy of the results.

On Quora, users remain skeptical about its usefulness.

Overall, there’s very little discourse regarding LifeDNA online.

Note: The images in this article may or may not be up-to-date representations of LifeDNA's reports. LifeDNA does not provide sample reports.

Summary: Pros & Cons


  1. In-depth reports that cover almost all facets of comfortable living.
  2. 1-on-1 consultation services, if needed by the client.
  3. A genetic analysis scheme alongside actively ongoing research.


  1. Expensive test kits and reports compared to other companies.
  2. The report takes longer to deliver than other companies in the personalized genomics niche.
  3. The disease and carrier status reports are only available through the platinum membership, which is not cost-effective.
LifeDNAXcode Life
Type of genetic testingDNA kit and analysisDNA raw data analysis
Health reportNit offeredOffered
Pharmacogenomic reportNot offeredOffered
Raw data uploadAvailable but only from 23andMe, MyHeritage, Living DNA, Ancestry, and Family Tree DNADNA raw data from all major providers accepted. Comprehensive list
Number of traits analyzed120+850+
Report updatesYesYes
Price$99-$249Reports: $30-$50
Bundles: $160-$199 Price details
Sample reportsUnavailableAvailable as detailed report walkthrough videos

Xcode Life: What Do We Do?

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Do you have your 23andMe DNA data?

Learn about your MTHFR gene status for free!

Step-by-step Instructions: How To Login To Your 23andMe Account?

To log in to your 23andMe account, follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Go To 23andMe.com And Click “Sign In”

Head over to the 23andMe website, and look for the sign-in button on the top right corner, as shown below.

After you click that button, you should be redirected to the 23andMe login page.


Step 2: Enter Your 23andMe Login Details (Email And Password)

Once you get to the login page, you can enter the email and password that you used to set up your 23andMe account.

Once you enter that information, you will gain access to your account and your 23andMe dashboard.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can request a reset by clicking “Forgot your Password?”

You will need to enter the email you used to set up your 23andMe account.

Then, instructions will be sent to your email that will provide you with a guide on how to reset your password.

From there, you can follow the instructions, head back to the 23andMe login page, and input your email and password to access your account.

2024 Update: Alternative Login Option - 23andMe Sign In Via Google

If you are unable to access your account this way, 23andMe now allows you to sign in via Google or Apple, even if you haven't originally registered this way.

How To Sign Out Of Your 23andMe Account

To sign out of your 23andMe account, follow the steps given below:

1: Move your cursor to the top right-hand corner of the screen, where you can see your username.

2: Click on the drop-down arrow

23andMe Logout Step 1

3: From the drop-down menu, choose “Sign out”

23andMe Logout Step 2

You have now successfully logged out of your 23andMe account

Other FAQs About 23andMe Account Login

Is There An Application For 23andMe?

23andMe has a mobile application available both on Android and iOS devices. It can be downloaded from the Google Play Store/ App Store.

Once you download the app, you can sign in to your account using the same way as you did for the website.

How Do I Login To My 23andMe Account With Google Password?

If your 23andMe account is linked to Google, you can choose the "Sign in with Google" option and enter your Google email and password to access your account.

How To Change My 23andMe Email?

To update your email/password, open your account menu and click on Settings.

You can edit your email here and your password here.

Please note that for security purposes, you'll be asked to enter your date of birth to proceed - it must match the one you entered during account registration for successful verification.

Upload the file to Xcode Life for insights into 1000+ health-related traits at a 55% discount!

Useful and easy to understand health reports from DNA data
I received my xlife reports within the timeframe promised using my 23andme data and got useful new information from the reports to inform nutrition and supplemental strategies. Thank you!
- Ash Goodwin

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Ever felt that sinking feeling, a tightness in your chest, or an overwhelming worry about the future? You’re not alone. Millions around the world grapple with anxiety every day, seeking some way to break free from its grip. From medications to mindfulness, various therapies offer some level of relief. What about sleep meditation? This emerging technique promises to be a game-changer in alleviating anxiety. Is it any good? What does science say? Read on to find out.

What Is Sleep Meditation?

Meditation is a holistic relaxation technique that helps shed off the heaviness of stress, poor moods, and exhaustion.

It soothes the body, offering a few moments of peace to the mind and soul.

You can meditate at any time of the day.

If you choose to meditate before you go to bed, you’re practicing sleep meditation.

People opt for sleep meditation to combat sleep disturbances like insomnia or apnea.

Sleep Meditation For Anxiety

Falling asleep as soon as you get into bed isn’t easy for everyone.

Insomnia, stress, and aches can keep you awake for long periods.

Sleep meditation is a simple technique that could help combat all of these.

Traditionally, meditation is the act of reconnecting with one’s thoughts and feelings.

Today, it’s evolved to simply calming one’s mind through various techniques. 

Sleep meditation is gaining popularity over other forms of anxiety treatment for the following reasons:

How To Do Sleep Meditation For Anxiety

Sleep meditation can take several different forms, like:

An infographic describing techniques used in sleep meditation for anxiety.

Does Sleep Meditation For Anxiety Work? What Studies Say

Anxiety makes you hyper-aware of your negative thoughts and physical aches.

Lasting feelings of anxiousness can make it hard to fall asleep, leading to problems like insomnia.

Sleep meditation for anxiety helps by alleviating these mental and physical symptoms.

A review examined sleep meditation studies and concluded that it had a moderately positive effect on sleep quality

Another review showed that sleep meditation improved sleep quality to an extent.

Further research into sleep meditation can help cement its place as an effective, recommended treatment for anxiety.

Other Treatments For Anxiety

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take For Meditation To Get Rid Of Anxiety?

Sleep meditation can show real improvements beyond a good night’s sleep if done consistently.

It could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

When Should You Not Meditate?

It’s best to avoid meditation during a period of poor mental health.

Being alone with the full force of your negative thoughts can do more harm than good.

What Is The 5-5-5 Rule Of Meditation?

A good start to the day involves 5 minutes of meditating, 5 minutes of stretching, and 5 minutes of mentally preparing for the day.

Summary: Sleep Meditation For Anxiety

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