What is histamine intolerance? When the immune system mistakes a non-allergen for an allergen and mounts an allergic reaction.
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What is histamine intolerance? When the immune system mistakes a non-allergen for an allergen and mounts an allergic reaction.
Parameters LivingDNA Xcode Life Type of genetic testing DNA kit and raw data analysis DNA raw data analysis Ancestry reports […]
SelfDecode offers personalized DNA testing and provides health and wellness reports by analyzing your genetic data.
Sugar and dopamine have a genetic link. Sweet receptors are known to trigger the release dopamine via "reward centers" in the brain.
Does your face turn red after a couple of sips of wine? Do you sense facial flushing whenever you go out for drinks?
The common ingredient in your tea, coffee, and energy drinks, caffeine, is the strongest psychoactive drug in the world. It is not a secret that caffeine helps you stay awake.
Two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, are associated with breast cancer. Contrary to popular belief, these genes don’t cause breast cancer.
What Is Snoring? Snoring is the loud or harsh sound from the nose or mouth that occurs when breathing is […]
Personalized medicine report from Xcode Life targets genes that are associated with your response to drug therapies.