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The results table displays all relevant RSIDs (Reference SNP cluster IDs) from your uploaded DNA file that match your search query.
This table includes the following columns: RSID, Genotype, Gene, and Condition.
For example, searching "Trait" and "Height" shows you RSIDs related to the genetic component of your height. The displayed genotype indicates your result for the SNP and its effect on the trait. Different genotypes lead to varying outcomes for each SNP. A genetic test report is recommended to comprehensively understand your genotype results for specific traits.
This tool is a glance at your raw DNA file and the vast information it holds. You can search for specific genetic markers, genes, or traits associated with various conditions. However, this tool provides an overview based on GWAS findings—it does not assess your personal risk level or the severity of a condition.
For example, you can use the tool to see if you carry RSIDs linked to a higher risk of snoring, but not to what extent you’re likely to snore. While the tool identifies your genotype for a given trait, unlocking its true meaning requires a comprehensive genetic analysis.
For deeper insights, explore our detailed genetic reports—designed to be user-friendly, science-backed, and delivered within 24 hours!