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Are Driving Skills Genetic?


Last updated: November 6, 2022

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Customer Reviews

Ash Goodwin
May 2, 2023
Useful and easy to understand health reports from dna data
I received my Xcode life reports within the timeframe promised using my 23andme data and got useful new information from the reports to inform nutrition and supplemental strategies. Thank you!
Chelsea B
August 7, 2022
Highly recommend for cutting edge research
Although sceptic of any third party genetic research company, I referenced all of the results I received with my raw data and the scientifically reported papers and they all were accurate in both my genome and scientific results. I appreciate the work being done by this company and the resources they provide.
Kimberlee Jackson
April 3, 2023
I am so glad I found XCode - BRCA and MTHFR
I am so glad I found XCode! I had my DNA results from Ancestry and was able to upload them to XCode and get answers to so many of my gene questions. Super quick turn around - they usually quote 24 hours turn around but for me it was more like 12 hours. I recently had a friend diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer so I felt I needed to get answers to my breast cancer possibilities. XCode gave me answers in ~12 hours. THANK YOU!
Maria Otilia Man
March 13, 2023
Great experience
I really liked the format of the report and the information included. It was exactly what I was looking for and am planning on purchasing additional reports. Date of experience: March 02, 2023
Danielle Mccann
April 30, 2023
Very interesting and detailed reports.
Very interesting and detailed reports. Easy to understand without a scientific background. Helped me personally with what I was looking for. Thanks from McCann.
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