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How Genes Influence Sleep Efficiency


Last updated: June 3, 2021

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Customer Reviews

Chelsea B
August 7, 2022
Highly recommend for cutting edge research
Although sceptic of any third party genetic research company, I referenced all of the results I received with my raw data and the scientifically reported papers and they all were accurate in both my genome and scientific results. I appreciate the work being done by this company and the resources they provide.
Heather Stewart
March 8, 2023
Quick and Thorough
The reports are so thorough and simple enough to understand. I had my results so fast and it really helped me to learn more about my health. Definitely would recommend this service. H. Stewart Date of experience: March 07, 2023
Amanda Isabel
March 9, 2023
Perfect and very usefull!
Perfect and very usefull! I bought the fitness, sleep and nutrition, and it makes so much sense for me and is very helpfull. I recommend for my husband, brother and parents. Date of experience: March 01, 2023
Kimberlee Jackson
April 3, 2023
I am so glad I found XCode - BRCA and MTHFR
I am so glad I found XCode! I had my DNA results from Ancestry and was able to upload them to XCode and get answers to so many of my gene questions. Super quick turn around - they usually quote 24 hours turn around but for me it was more like 12 hours. I recently had a friend diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer so I felt I needed to get answers to my breast cancer possibilities. XCode gave me answers in ~12 hours. THANK YOU!
Kathy Koenig
October 8, 2024
Leveraged my Ancestry DNA data
A fast, low cost way to leverage my Ancestry DNA data that I had purchased years ago! I really appreciate the reports. Already using the info contained. Purchased reports for my loved ones as well. I’m learning so much!
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