Gene: C10orf62

Alternate names for this Gene: bA548K23.1

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 10

Location in Chromosome : 10q24.2

Description of this Gene: chromosome 10 open reading frame 62

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: HOGA1

Alternate names for this Gene: C10orf65|DHDPS2|DHDPSL|HP3|NPL2

Gene Summary: The authors of PMID:20797690 cloned this gene while searching for genes in a region of chromosome 10 linked to primary hyperoxalurea type III. They noted that even though the encoded protein has been described as a mitochondrial dihydrodipicolinate synthase-like enzyme, it shares little homology with E. coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase (Dhdps), particularly in the putative substrate-binding region. Moreover, neither lysine biosynthesis nor sialic acid metabolism, for which Dhdps is responsible, occurs in vertebrate mitochondria. They propose that this gene encodes mitochondrial 4-hydroxyl-2-oxoglutarate aldolase (EC, which catalyzes the final step in the metabolic pathway of hydroxyproline, releasing glyoxylate and pyruvate. This gene is predominantly expressed in the liver and kidney, and mutations in this gene are found in patients with primary hyperoxalurea type III. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been noted for this gene.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 10

Location in Chromosome : 10q24.2

Description of this Gene: 4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate aldolase 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs61863282 in C10orf62;HOGA1 gene and Serum albumin measurement PMID 22286219 2012 Genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci influencing human serum metabolite levels.