Gene: C5orf17

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 5

Location in Chromosome : 5p14.2

Description of this Gene: chromosome 5 putative open reading frame 17

Type of Gene: ncRNA

rs10041590 in C5orf17 gene and Creatinine clearance measurement PMID 26148204 2015 Genomewide association study of tenofovir pharmacokinetics and creatinine clearance in AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol A5202.

rs10041590 in C5orf17 gene and HIV Infections PMID 26148204 2015 Genomewide association study of tenofovir pharmacokinetics and creatinine clearance in AIDS Clinical Trials Group protocol A5202.

rs55965054 in C5orf17 gene and Major Depressive Disorder PMID 29942085 2018 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism in 449,484 individuals identifies novel genetic loci and pathways.

rs55965054 in C5orf17 gene and Mood Disorders PMID 29942085 2018 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for neuroticism in 449,484 individuals identifies novel genetic loci and pathways.