Gene: CASC15

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

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Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs2479808 in CASC15 gene and Asthma PMID 25918132 2015 Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Loci Associated With Diisocyanate-Induced Occupational Asthma.

rs10946507 in CASC15 gene and Astigmatism PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

PMID 25367360 2015 Genome-wide association study for refractive astigmatism reveals genetic co-determination with spherical equivalent refractive error: the CREAM consortium.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Basal Cell Cancer PMID 27539887 2016 Genome-wide association study identifies 14 novel risk alleles associated with basal cell carcinoma.

PMID 31174203 2019 Combined analysis of keratinocyte cancers identifies novel genome-wide loci.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Basal Cell Neoplasm PMID 27539887 2016 Genome-wide association study identifies 14 novel risk alleles associated with basal cell carcinoma.

PMID 31174203 2019 Combined analysis of keratinocyte cancers identifies novel genome-wide loci.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Basal cell carcinoma PMID 27539887 2016 Genome-wide association study identifies 14 novel risk alleles associated with basal cell carcinoma.

PMID 31174203 2019 Combined analysis of keratinocyte cancers identifies novel genome-wide loci.

rs1205896 in CASC15 gene and Blood basophil count (lab test) PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Body Height PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs6934973 in CASC15 gene and Body mass index PMID 30239722 2019 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for body fat distribution in 694 649 individuals of European ancestry.

PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs9350395 in CASC15 gene and Breast Carcinoma PMID 29059683 2017 Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Cardiovascular Diseases PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs13198656 in CASC15 gene and Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease PMID 30804561 2019 Genetic landscape of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease identifies heterogeneous cell-type and phenotype associations.

rs2876643 in CASC15 gene and Coronary Artery Disease PMID 29212778 2018 Identification of 64 Novel Genetic Loci Provides an Expanded View on the Genetic Architecture of Coronary Artery Disease.

PMID 28714975 2017 Association analyses based on false discovery rate implicate new loci for coronary artery disease.

rs74360995 in CASC15 gene and Eosinophil count procedure PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs141007801 in CASC15 gene and Finding of Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs1928168 in CASC15 gene and Forced expiratory volume function PMID 23284291 2012 Genome-wide joint meta-analysis of SNP and SNP-by-smoking interaction identifies novel loci for pulmonary function.

rs10484389 in CASC15 gene and Hepatitis PMID 25705159 2014 Genome-wide association study of hepatitis in korean populations.

rs67258057 in CASC15 gene and Intelligence PMID 29326435 2019 A combined analysis of genetically correlated traits identifies 187 loci and a role for neurogenesis and myelination in intelligence.

PMID 29942086 2018 Genome-wide association meta-analysis in 269,867 individuals identifies new genetic and functional links to intelligence.

PMID 29844566 2018 Study of 300,486 individuals identifies 148 independent genetic loci influencing general cognitive function.

rs141007801 in CASC15 gene and Mean Corpuscular Volume (result) PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs113760175 in CASC15 gene and Monocyte count procedure PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs113760175 in CASC15 gene and Monocyte count result PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs4712653 in CASC15 gene and Neuroblastoma PMID 18463370 2008 Chromosome 6p22 locus associated with clinically aggressive neuroblastoma.

PMID 21124317 2011 Integrative genomics identifies LMO1 as a neuroblastoma oncogene.

PMID 28924153 2017 Common variants in MMP20 at 11q22.2 predispose to 11q deletion and neuroblastoma risk.

PMID 22941191 2012 Common variation at 6q16 within HACE1 and LIN28B influences susceptibility to neuroblastoma.

rs4712652 in CASC15 gene and Obesity PMID 19151714 2009 Genome-wide association study for early-onset and morbid adult obesity identifies three new risk loci in European populations.

rs3736675 in CASC15 gene and Platelet Count measurement PMID 29403010 2018 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Japanese population links cell types to complex human diseases.

rs1928168 in CASC15 gene and Pulmonary function PMID 21946350 2011 Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function.

rs1928168 in CASC15 gene and Pulmonary function (finding) PMID 21946350 2011 Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function.

rs6926491 in CASC15 gene and Red Blood Cell Count measurement PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs196052 in CASC15 gene and Regular astigmatism - corneal PMID 30306274 2018 Genome-wide association studies for corneal and refractive astigmatism in UK Biobank demonstrate a shared role for myopia susceptibility loci.

rs1928168 in CASC15 gene and Respiratory Function Tests PMID 21946350 2011 Genome-wide association and large-scale follow up identifies 16 new loci influencing lung function.

PMID 23284291 2012 Genome-wide joint meta-analysis of SNP and SNP-by-smoking interaction identifies novel loci for pulmonary function.

rs112204664 in CASC15 gene and Respiratory Tract Diseases PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs4712652 in CASC15 gene and Smoking Behaviors PMID 20418888 2010 Sequence variants at CHRNB3-CHRNA6 and CYP2A6 affect smoking behavior.

rs6911827 in CASC15 gene and Systolic Pressure PMID 28135244 2017 Genome-wide association analysis identifies novel blood pressure loci and offers biological insights into cardiovascular risk.

PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs2294214 in CASC15 gene and Vital capacity PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs12525417 in CASC15 gene and Waist-Hip Ratio PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs113760175 in CASC15 gene and White Blood Cell Count procedure PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs13198081 in CASC15 gene and peak expiratory flow (procedure) PMID 30804560 2019 New genetic signals for lung function highlight pathways and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associations across multiple ancestries.