Gene: CCL15-CCL14

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: LOC107985068

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: CCL15

Alternate names for this Gene: HCC-2|HMRP-2B|LKN-1|LKN1|MIP-1 delta|MIP-1D|MIP-5|MRP-2B|NCC-3|NCC3|SCYA15|SCYL3|SY15

Gene Summary: This gene is located in a cluster of similar genes in the same region of chromosome 17. These genes encode CC cytokines, which are secreted proteins characterized by two adjacent cysteines. The product of this gene is chemotactic for T cells and monocytes, and acts through C-C chemokine receptor type 1 (CCR1). The proprotein is further processed into numerous smaller functional peptides. Naturally-occurring readthrough transcripts occur from this gene into the downstream gene, CCL14 (chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 14).

Gene is located in Chromosome: 17

Location in Chromosome : 17q12

Description of this Gene: C-C motif chemokine ligand 15

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs854625 in CCL15-CCL14;LOC107985068;CCL15 gene and Protein measurement PMID 30134952 2018 Cross-genetic determination of maternal and neonatal immune mediators during pregnancy.