Gene: CRTC3-AS1

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: CRTC3

Alternate names for this Gene: TORC-3|TORC3

Gene Summary: This gene is a member of the CREB regulated transcription coactivator gene family. This family regulates CREB-dependent gene transcription in a phosphorylation-independent manner and may be selective for cAMP-responsive genes. The protein encoded by this gene may induce mitochondrial biogenesis and attenuate catecholamine signaling in adipose tissue. A translocation event between this gene and Notch coactivator mastermind-like gene 2, which results in a fusion protein, has been reported in mucoepidermoid carcinomas. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants that encode different protein isoforms.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 15

Location in Chromosome : 15q26.1

Description of this Gene: CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs7165170 in CRTC3-AS1;CRTC3 gene and Crohn Disease PMID 26192919 2015 Association analyses identify 38 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease and highlight shared genetic risk across populations.

rs7165170 in CRTC3-AS1;CRTC3 gene and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases PMID 26192919 2015 Association analyses identify 38 susceptibility loci for inflammatory bowel disease and highlight shared genetic risk across populations.