Gene: DTNB

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary: This gene encodes dystrobrevin beta, a component of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DPC). The DPC consists of dystrophin and several integral and peripheral membrane proteins, including dystroglycans, sarcoglycans, syntrophins and dystrobrevin alpha and beta. The DPC localizes to the sarcolemma and its disruption is associated with various forms of muscular dystrophy. Dystrobrevin beta is thought to interact with syntrophin and the DP71 short form of dystrophin.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 2

Location in Chromosome : 2p23.3

Description of this Gene: dystrobrevin beta

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs66917623 in DTNB gene and Body Height PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs183677610 in DTNB gene and Body mass index PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs6546149 in DTNB gene and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia PMID 28112199 2017 Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci.

rs6546149 in DTNB gene and Hodgkin Disease PMID 28112199 2017 Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci.

rs10180663 in DTNB gene and Multiple Myeloma PMID 23955597 2013 Common variation at 3q26.2, 6p21.33, 17p11.2 and 22q13.1 influences multiple myeloma risk.

PMID 22120009 2011 Common variation at 3p22.1 and 7p15.3 influences multiple myeloma risk.

PMID 28112199 2017 Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci.

PMID 27363682 2016 Genome-wide association study identifies multiple susceptibility loci for multiple myeloma.

rs6546149 in DTNB gene and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma PMID 28112199 2017 Genome-wide association analysis of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma identifies pleiotropic risk loci.