Gene: ENTPD6

Alternate names for this Gene: CD39L2|IL-6SAG|IL6ST2|NTPDase-6|dJ738P15.3

Gene Summary: ENTPD6 is similar to E-type nucleotidases (NTPases). NTPases, such as CD39, mediate catabolism of extracellular nucleotides. ENTPD6 contains 4 apyrase-conserved regions which are characteristic of NTPases. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 20

Location in Chromosome : 20p11.21

Description of this Gene: ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 6

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs1044573 in ENTPD6 gene and Allergic rhinitis (disorder) PMID 22036096 2011 A genome-wide meta-analysis of genetic variants associated with allergic rhinitis and grass sensitization and their interaction with birth order.

rs2076559 in ENTPD6 gene and Body mass index PMID 29273807 2018 Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity.

PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

PMID 30239722 2019 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for body fat distribution in 694 649 individuals of European ancestry.

rs76171326 in ENTPD6 gene and Eosinophil count procedure PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs1044573 in ENTPD6 gene and Hay fever PMID 22036096 2011 A genome-wide meta-analysis of genetic variants associated with allergic rhinitis and grass sensitization and their interaction with birth order.

rs6037062 in ENTPD6 gene and Vital capacity PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.