Gene: ERRFI1

Alternate names for this Gene: GENE-33|MIG-6|MIG6|RALT

Gene Summary: ERRFI1 is a cytoplasmic protein whose expression is upregulated with cell growth (Wick et al., 1995 [PubMed 7641805]). It shares significant homology with the protein product of rat gene-33, which is induced during cell stress and mediates cell signaling (Makkinje et al., 2000 [PubMed 10749885]; Fiorentino et al., 2000 [PubMed 11003669]).[supplied by OMIM, Mar 2008]. Publication Note: This RefSeq record includes a subset of the publications that are available for this gene. Please see the Gene record to access additional publications. ##Evidence-Data-START## Transcript exon combination :: SRR1803611.181073.1, AK096149.1 [ECO:0000332] RNAseq introns :: single sample supports all introns SAMEA2151405 [ECO:0000348] ##Evidence-Data-END## ##RefSeq-Attributes-START## MANE Ensembl match :: ENST00000377482.10/ ENSP00000366702.5 RefSeq Select criteria :: based on conservation, expression, longest protein ##RefSeq-Attributes-END##

Gene is located in Chromosome: 1

Location in Chromosome : 1p36.23

Description of this Gene: ERBB receptor feedback inhibitor 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs441467 in ERRFI1 gene and Vital capacity PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.