Gene: HOXD-AS2

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: LOC100129455

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: HOXD8

Alternate names for this Gene: HOX4|HOX4E|HOX5.4

Gene Summary: This gene belongs to the homeobox family of genes. The homeobox genes encode a highly conserved family of transcription factors that play an important role in morphogenesis in all multicellular organisms. Mammals possess four similar homeobox gene clusters, HOXA, HOXB, HOXC and HOXD, located on different chromosomes, consisting of 9 to 11 genes arranged in tandem. This gene is one of several homeobox HOXD genes located in a cluster on chromosome 2. Deletions that remove the entire HOXD gene cluster or the 5' end of this cluster have been associated with severe limb and genital abnormalities. In addition to effects during embryogenesis, this particular gene may also play a role in adult urogenital tract function. Alternate splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 2

Location in Chromosome : 2q31.1

Description of this Gene: homeobox D8

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs187355703 in HOXD-AS2;LOC100129455;HOXD8 gene and Creatinine measurement, serum (procedure) PMID 28452372 2017 1000 Genomes-based meta-analysis identifies 10 novel loci for kidney function.

rs187355703 in HOXD-AS2;LOC100129455;HOXD8 gene and Glomerular Filtration Rate PMID 30604766 2019 Trans-ethnic kidney function association study reveals putative causal genes and effects on kidney-specific disease aetiologies.

PMID 28452372 2017 1000 Genomes-based meta-analysis identifies 10 novel loci for kidney function.

PMID 31152163 2019 A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals.

rs187355703 in HOXD-AS2;LOC100129455;HOXD8 gene and Kidney Failure, Chronic PMID 31152163 2019 A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals.

rs187355703 in HOXD-AS2;LOC100129455;HOXD8 gene and Uric acid measurement (procedure) PMID 31578528 2019 Target genes, variants, tissues and transcriptional pathways influencing human serum urate levels.