Gene: HS3ST1

Alternate names for this Gene: 3OST|3OST1

Gene Summary: Heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzymes are key components in generating a myriad of distinct heparan sulfate fine structures that carry out multiple biologic activities. The enzyme encoded by this gene is a member of the heparan sulfate biosynthetic enzyme family. It possesses both heparan sulfate glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase activity, anticoagulant heparan sulfate conversion activity, and is a rate limiting enzyme for synthesis of anticoagulant heparan. This enzyme is an intraluminal Golgi resident protein.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 4

Location in Chromosome : 4p15.33

Description of this Gene: heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs16881446 in HS3ST1 gene and Arteriosclerosis PMID 15266341 2004 Assessing the function of genetic variants in candidate gene association studies.

rs16881446 in HS3ST1 gene and Coronary Artery Disease PMID 15266341 2004 Assessing the function of genetic variants in candidate gene association studies.