Gene: HTD2

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a protein that localizes to the mitochondria and can function as a 3-hydroxyacyl thioester dehydratase. This gene is located just downstream of the gene for ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p14 (RPP14) in a genomic context that is conserved among animals. The upstream RPP14 gene is thought to be co-transcribed with this gene, and bicistronic transcripts may include open reading frames for both proteins.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3p14.3

Description of this Gene: hydroxyacyl-thioester dehydratase type 2

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: RPP14

Alternate names for this Gene: P14

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a subunit of ribonuclease P and has 3' to 5' exoribonuclease activity. Transcripts for this gene are bicistronic and include a conserved downstream open reading frame for the hydroxyacyl-thioester dehydratase type 2 (HTD2) gene.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3p14.3

Description of this Gene: ribonuclease P/MRP subunit p14

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs9985315 in HTD2;RPP14 gene and Serum total cholesterol measurement PMID 30275531 2018 Genetics of blood lipids among ~300,000 multi-ethnic participants of the Million Veteran Program.