Gene: IFT140

Alternate names for this Gene: MZSDS|RP80|SRTD9|WDTC2|c305C8.4|c380F5.1|gs114

Gene Summary: This gene encodes one of the subunits of the intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex A. Intraflagellar transport is involved in the genesis, resorption and signaling of primary cilia. The primary cilium is a microtubule-based sensory organelle at the surface of most quiescent mammalian cells, that receives signals from its environment, such as the flow of fluid, light or odors, and transduces those signals to the nucleus. Loss of the corresponding protein in mouse results in renal cystic disease.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 16

Location in Chromosome : 16p13.3

Description of this Gene: intraflagellar transport 140

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: LOC105371046

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 16

Location in Chromosome : 16p13.3

Description of this Gene: uncharacterized LOC105371046

Type of Gene: ncRNA

rs1085307074 in IFT140;LOC105371046 gene and Mainzer-Saldino Disease PMID 23418020 2013 Combined NGS approaches identify mutations in the intraflagellar transport gene IFT140 in skeletal ciliopathies with early progressive kidney Disease.

PMID 28724397 2017 Partial uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 16 unmasks a deleterious biallelic mutation in IFT140 that causes Mainzer-Saldino syndrome.

PMID 28288023 2017 The evolving craniofacial phenotype of a patient with Sensenbrenner syndrome caused by IFT140 compound heterozygous mutations.

PMID 24009529 2013 Cauli: a mouse strain with an Ift140 mutation that results in a skeletal ciliopathy modelling Jeune syndrome.

PMID 22503633 2012 Mainzer-Saldino syndrome is a ciliopathy caused by IFT140 mutations.

rs1441549097 in IFT140;LOC105371046 gene and RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA 80 PMID 26968735 2016 Nonsyndromic Retinal Dystrophy due to Bi-Allelic Mutations in the Ciliary Transport Gene IFT140.

PMID 26359340 2016 The ophthalmic phenotype of IFT140-related ciliopathy ranges from isolated to syndromic congenital retinal dystrophy.

PMID 26216056 2015 Mutations in human IFT140 cause non-syndromic retinal degeneration.