Gene: IRGM

Alternate names for this Gene: IFI1|IRGM1|LRG-47|LRG47

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a member of the p47 immunity-related GTPase family. The encoded protein may play a role in the innate immune response by regulating autophagy formation in response to intracellular pathogens. Polymorphisms that affect the normal expression of this gene are associated with a susceptibility to Crohn's disease and tuberculosis. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 5

Location in Chromosome : 5q33.1

Description of this Gene: immunity related GTPase M

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs11749391 in IRGM gene and Ankylosing spondylitis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs11747270 in IRGM gene and Asthma PMID 21150878 2011 Association between ORMDL3, IL1RL1 and a deletion on chromosome 17q21 with asthma risk in Australia.

rs11749391 in IRGM gene and Cholangitis, Sclerosing PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs1000113 in IRGM gene and Crohn Disease PMID 17554300 2007 Genome-wide association study of 14,000 cases of seven common diseases and 3,000 shared controls.

PMID 18587394 2008 Genome-wide association defines more than 30 distinct susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease.

PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

PMID 21102463 2010 Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci.

rs11747270 in IRGM gene and Multiple Sclerosis PMID 22190364 2011 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci.

rs11749391 in IRGM gene and Psoriasis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs11749391 in IRGM gene and Ulcerative Colitis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.