Gene: LINC01934

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Gene Summary:

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Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs12615545 in LINC01934 gene and Ankylosing spondylitis PMID 23749187 2013 Identification of multiple risk variants for ankylosing spondylitis through high-density genotyping of immune-related loci.

rs13010713 in LINC01934 gene and Asthma PMID 21150878 2011 Association between ORMDL3, IL1RL1 and a deletion on chromosome 17q21 with asthma risk in Australia.

rs13010713 in LINC01934 gene and Autoimmune Diseases PMID 21383967 2011 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis identifies fourteen non-HLA shared loci.

rs139557015 in LINC01934 gene and Birth Weight PMID 31043758 2019 Maternal and fetal genetic effects on birth weight and their relevance to cardio-metabolic risk factors.

rs1018326 in LINC01934 gene and Celiac Disease PMID 22057235 2011 Dense genotyping identifies and localizes multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease.

PMID 20190752 2010 Multiple common variants for celiac disease influencing immune gene expression.

PMID 26546613 2016 Functional implications of disease-specific variants in loci jointly associated with coeliac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

rs10180754 in LINC01934 gene and Hypothyroidism PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.

rs13010713 in LINC01934 gene and Immune System Diseases PMID 21383967 2011 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in celiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis identifies fourteen non-HLA shared loci.

rs13011751 in LINC01934 gene and Lymphocyte Count measurement PMID 29403010 2018 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Japanese population links cell types to complex human diseases.

PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs13010713 in LINC01934 gene and Multiple Sclerosis PMID 22190364 2011 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci.

rs16867384 in LINC01934 gene and Rheumatoid Arthritis PMID 26546613 2016 Functional implications of disease-specific variants in loci jointly associated with coeliac disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

rs13428910 in LINC01934 gene and White Blood Cell Count procedure PMID 30595370 2019 Leveraging Polygenic Functional Enrichment to Improve GWAS Power.