Gene: LINC02085

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Gene Summary:

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Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs1709393 in LINC02085 gene and Anxiety Disorders PMID 31619474 2019 Shared genetics of asthma and mental health disorders: a large-scale genome-wide cross-trait analysis.

PMID 26754954 2016 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of anxiety disorders.

rs1709393 in LINC02085 gene and Asthma PMID 31619474 2019 Shared genetics of asthma and mental health disorders: a large-scale genome-wide cross-trait analysis.

rs7637230 in LINC02085 gene and Psoriasis PMID 25939698 2015 Enhanced meta-analysis and replication studies identify five new psoriasis susceptibility loci.

rs7637230 in LINC02085 gene and Psoriasis vulgaris PMID 26626624 2015 Genome-wide Association Analysis of Psoriatic Arthritis and Cutaneous Psoriasis Reveals Differences in Their Genetic Architecture.