Gene: LINC02649

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs2387397 in LINC02649 gene and Celiac Disease PMID 23143596 2012 High-density genetic mapping identifies new susceptibility loci for rheumatoid arthritis.

PMID 22057235 2011 Dense genotyping identifies and localizes multiple common and rare variant association signals in celiac disease.

rs7077335 in LINC02649 gene and Myopia, Degenerative PMID 23049088 2012 A genome-wide association study provides evidence for association of chromosome 8p23 (MYP10) and 10q21.1 (MYP15) with high myopia in the French Population.