Gene: LOC101927178

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 14

Location in Chromosome : 14q13.2

Description of this Gene: uncharacterized LOC101927178

Type of Gene: ncRNA

Gene: PPP2R3C

Alternate names for this Gene: C14orf10|G4-1|G5pr|GDRM|SPGF36

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a regulatory subunit of the serine/threonine phosphatase, protein phosphatase 2. This protein is localized to both nuclear and cytoplasmic regions depending on cell cycle phase. Homozygous conditional knockout mice for this gene exhibit reduced numbers and impaired proliferation of immune system B cells. This protein may regulate the expression of the P-glycoprotein ATP-binding cassette transporter through its phosphatase activity. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 14

Location in Chromosome : 14q13.2

Description of this Gene: protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B''gamma

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: FAM177A1

Alternate names for this Gene: C14orf24

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a member of a conserved protein family. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. This gene is thought to be associated with susceptibility to juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 14

Location in Chromosome : 14q13.2

Description of this Gene: family with sequence similarity 177 member A1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs8006884 in LOC101927178;PPP2R3C;FAM177A1 gene and Ankylosing spondylitis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs8006884 in LOC101927178;PPP2R3C;FAM177A1 gene and Cholangitis, Sclerosing PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs8006884 in LOC101927178;PPP2R3C;FAM177A1 gene and Crohn Disease PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs8006884 in LOC101927178;PPP2R3C;FAM177A1 gene and Psoriasis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.

rs8006884 in LOC101927178;PPP2R3C;FAM177A1 gene and Ulcerative Colitis PMID 26974007 2016 Analysis of five chronic inflammatory diseases identifies 27 new associations and highlights disease-specific patterns at shared loci.