Gene: LOC105378525

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

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Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: HTRA1

Alternate names for this Gene: ARMD7|CADASIL2|CARASIL|HtrA|L56|ORF480|PRSS11

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a member of the trypsin family of serine proteases. This protein is a secreted enzyme that is proposed to regulate the availability of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) by cleaving IGF-binding proteins. It has also been suggested to be a regulator of cell growth. Variations in the promoter region of this gene are the cause of susceptibility to age-related macular degeneration type 7.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 10

Location in Chromosome : 10q26.13

Description of this Gene: HtrA serine peptidase 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs11200638 in LOC105378525;HTRA1 gene and Age related macular degeneration PMID 17053108 2006 HTRA1 promoter polymorphism in wet age-related macular degeneration.

PMID 28703135 2017 We confirmed the association of age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) rs10490924 (P=7.38 × 10<sup>-17</sup>), HTRA1 rs11200638 (P=5.47 × 10<sup>-17</sup>) and complement factor H gene (CFH) rs800292 (P=2.53 × 10<sup>-8</sup>) with neovascular AMD, all loci passing the genome-wide significance level (P<5.22 × 10<sup>-8</sup>).

rs11200638 in LOC105378525;HTRA1 gene and Exudative age-related macular degeneration PMID 28703135 2017 Genome-wide association study of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in the Thai population.

rs11200638 in LOC105378525;HTRA1 gene and exudative macular degeneration PMID 28703135 2017 Genome-wide association study of neovascular age-related macular degeneration in the Thai population.