Gene: LOC105379030

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rs17632159 in LOC105379030 gene and Arthritis, Gouty PMID 23263486 2013 Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations.

rs17663555 in LOC105379030 gene and Blood urea nitrogen measurement PMID 31152163 2019 A catalog of genetic loci associated with kidney function from analyses of a million individuals.

PMID 29403010 2018 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Japanese population links cell types to complex human diseases.

rs17632159 in LOC105379030 gene and Gout PMID 23263486 2013 Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations.

rs17663555 in LOC105379030 gene and Serum urea measurement PMID 31015462 2019 Sex-specific and pleiotropic effects underlying kidney function identified from GWAS meta-analysis.

rs17632159 in LOC105379030 gene and Uric acid measurement (procedure) PMID 30993211 2019 Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies multiple novel loci associated with serum uric acid levels in Japanese individuals.

PMID 23263486 2013 Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations.