Gene: LOC107986061

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: RAD18

Alternate names for this Gene: RNF73

Gene Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is highly similar to S. cerevisiae DNA damage repair protein Rad18. Yeast Rad18 functions through its interaction with Rad6, which is an ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme required for post-replication repair of damaged DNA. Similar to its yeast counterpart, this protein is able to interact with the human homolog of yeast Rad6 protein through a conserved ring-finger motif. Mutation of this motif results in defective replication of UV-damaged DNA and hypersensitivity to multiple mutagens.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3p25.3

Description of this Gene: RAD18 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: CAV3

Alternate names for this Gene: LGMD1C|LQT9|MPDT|RMD2|VIP-21|VIP21

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a caveolin family member, which functions as a component of the caveolae plasma membranes found in most cell types. Caveolin proteins are proposed to be scaffolding proteins for organizing and concentrating certain caveolin-interacting molecules. Mutations identified in this gene lead to interference with protein oligomerization or intra-cellular routing, disrupting caveolae formation and resulting in Limb-Girdle muscular dystrophy type-1C (LGMD-1C), hyperCKemia or rippling muscle disease (RMD). Alternative splicing has been identified for this locus, with inclusion or exclusion of a differentially spliced intron. In addition, transcripts utilize multiple polyA sites and contain two potential translation initiation sites.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3p25.3

Description of this Gene: caveolin 3

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs17049612 in LOC107986061;RAD18;CAV3 gene and Smoking PMID 26053186 2015 Mercapturic Acids Derived from the Toxicants Acrolein and Crotonaldehyde in the Urine of Cigarette Smokers from Five Ethnic Groups with Differing Risks for Lung Cancer.

rs17049612 in LOC107986061;RAD18;CAV3 gene and Smoking Behaviors PMID 26053186 2015 Mercapturic Acids Derived from the Toxicants Acrolein and Crotonaldehyde in the Urine of Cigarette Smokers from Five Ethnic Groups with Differing Risks for Lung Cancer.