Gene: LOC107987300

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Alternate names for this Gene: CRYA1|CTRCT9|HSPB4

Gene Summary: Mammalian lens crystallins are divided into alpha, beta, and gamma families. Alpha crystallins are composed of two gene products: alpha-A and alpha-B, for acidic and basic, respectively. Alpha crystallins can be induced by heat shock and are members of the small heat shock protein (HSP20) family. They act as molecular chaperones although they do not renature proteins and release them in the fashion of a true chaperone; instead they hold them in large soluble aggregates. Post-translational modifications decrease the ability to chaperone. These heterogeneous aggregates consist of 30-40 subunits; the alpha-A and alpha-B subunits have a 3:1 ratio, respectively. Two additional functions of alpha crystallins are an autokinase activity and participation in the intracellular architecture. The encoded protein has been identified as a moonlighting protein based on its ability to perform mechanistically distinct functions. Alpha-A and alpha-B gene products are differentially expressed; alpha-A is preferentially restricted to the lens and alpha-B is expressed widely in many tissues and organs. Defects in this gene cause autosomal dominant congenital cataract (ADCC).

Gene is located in Chromosome: 21

Location in Chromosome : 21q22.3

Description of this Gene: crystallin alpha A

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs11911275 in LOC107987300;CRYAA gene and Cataract, Age-Related Nuclear PMID 24951543 2014 Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in multiethnic Asians identifies two loci for age-related nuclear cataract.

rs864309685 in LOC107987300;CRYAA gene and Congenital cataract PMID 26694549 2016 Sporadic and Familial Congenital Cataracts: Mutational Spectrum and New Diagnoses Using Next-Generation Sequencing.