Gene: MICA-AS1

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: MICA

Alternate names for this Gene: MIC-A|PERB11.1

Gene Summary: This gene encodes the highly polymorphic major histocompatability complex class I chain-related protein A. The protein product is expressed on the cell surface, although unlike canonical class I molecules it does not seem to associate with beta-2-microglobulin. It is a ligand for the NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein receptor. The protein functions as a stress-induced antigen that is broadly recognized by intestinal epithelial gamma delta T cells. Variations in this gene have been associated with susceptibility to psoriasis 1 and psoriatic arthritis, and the shedding of MICA-related antibodies and ligands is involved in the progression from monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance to multiple myeloma. Alternative splicing of this gene results in multiple transcript variants.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p21.33

Description of this Gene: MHC class I polypeptide-related sequence A

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs2596542 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME, PROGRESSION TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2596542 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and AIDS, PROGRESSION TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2523454 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and Ankylosing spondylitis PMID 22138694 2011 A genome-wide association study in Han Chinese identifies new susceptibility loci for ankylosing spondylitis.

rs2523454 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin-Dependent PMID 17632545 2007 A genome-wide association study identifies KIAA0350 as a type 1 diabetes gene.

rs2596542 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and HIV-1, RESISTANCE TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2596542 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE 1, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PMID 20041166 2009 Common genetic variation and the control of HIV-1 in humans.

rs2596542 in MICA-AS1;MICA gene and Liver carcinoma PMID 21499248 2011 Genome-wide association study identifies a susceptibility locus for HCV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma.

PMID 23242368 2013 Genetic variants in STAT4 and HLA-DQ genes confer risk of hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma.