Gene: MPI

Alternate names for this Gene: CDG1B|PMI|PMI1

Gene Summary: Phosphomannose isomerase catalyzes the interconversion of fructose-6-phosphate and mannose-6-phosphate and plays a critical role in maintaining the supply of D-mannose derivatives, which are required for most glycosylation reactions. Mutations in the MPI gene were found in patients with carbohydrate-deficient glycoprotein syndrome, type Ib. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 15

Location in Chromosome : 15q24.1-q24.2

Description of this Gene: mannose phosphate isomerase

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: FAM219B

Alternate names for this Gene: C15orf17

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 15

Location in Chromosome : 15q24.1-q24.2

Description of this Gene: family with sequence similarity 219 member B

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs1127796 in MPI;FAM219B gene and Personality Traits PMID 22628180 2012 Genome-wide association uncovers shared genetic effects among personality traits and mood states.