Gene: NINJ2-AS1

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 12

Location in Chromosome : 12p13.33

Description of this Gene: NINJ2 antisense RNA 1

Type of Gene: ncRNA

Gene: NINJ2

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary: The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the ninjurin (for nerve injury induced) family. It is a cell surface adhesion protein that is upregulated in Schwann cells surrounding the distal segment of injured nerve, and promotes neurite outgrowth, thus may have a role in nerve regeneration after nerve injury.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 12

Location in Chromosome : 12p13.33

Description of this Gene: ninjurin 2

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs34038797 in NINJ2-AS1;NINJ2 gene and Lymphocyte Count measurement PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs7487827 in NINJ2-AS1;NINJ2 gene and Monocyte count procedure PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs7487827 in NINJ2-AS1;NINJ2 gene and Monocyte count result PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.

rs34038797 in NINJ2-AS1;NINJ2 gene and Platelet Count measurement PMID 29403010 2018 Genetic analysis of quantitative traits in the Japanese population links cell types to complex human diseases.

PMID 27863252 2016 The Allelic Landscape of Human Blood Cell Trait Variation and Links to Common Complex Disease.