Alternate names for this Gene: RALGEF2|RALGPS1A

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 9

Location in Chromosome : 9q33.3

Description of this Gene: Ral GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding


Alternate names for this Gene: ARP2|HARP

Gene Summary: Angiopoietins are members of the vascular endothelial growth factor family and the only known growth factors largely specific for vascular endothelium. Angiopoietin-1, angiopoietin-2, and angiopoietin-4 participate in the formation of blood vessels. ANGPTL2 protein is a secreted glycoprotein with homology to the angiopoietins and may exert a function on endothelial cells through autocrine or paracrine action.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 9

Location in Chromosome : 9q33.3

Description of this Gene: angiopoietin like 2

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs11795066 in RALGPS1;ANGPTL2 gene and Tonometry PMID 30054594 2018 Genome-wide association study of intraocular pressure uncovers new pathways to glaucoma.

PMID 29785010 2018 Genome-wide analyses identify 68 new loci associated with intraocular pressure and improve risk prediction for primary open-angle glaucoma.