Gene: RELN

Alternate names for this Gene: ETL7|LIS2|PRO1598|RL

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a large secreted extracellular matrix protein thought to control cell-cell interactions critical for cell positioning and neuronal migration during brain development. This protein may be involved in schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder, major depression and in migration defects associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. Mutations of this gene are associated with autosomal recessive lissencephaly with cerebellar hypoplasia. Two transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been identified for this gene. Other transcript variants have been described but their full length nature has not been determined.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 7

Location in Chromosome : 7q22.1

Description of this Gene: reelin

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: LOC101927870

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 7

Location in Chromosome : 7q22.1

Description of this Gene: uncharacterized LOC101927870

Type of Gene: ncRNA

rs115035120 in RELN;LOC101927870 gene and Epilepsy, Rolandic PMID 29358611 2018 Exome-wide analysis of mutational burden in patients with typical and atypical Rolandic epilepsy.