Gene: SCHIP1

Alternate names for this Gene: SCHIP-1

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3q25.32-q25.33

Description of this Gene: schwannomin interacting protein 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding


Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary: This locus represents naturally occurring read-through transcription from the neighboring IQ motif containing J (IQCJ) and schwannomin interacting protein 1 (SCHIP1) genes. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants that are composed of in-frame exons from each individual gene. The resulting fusion products are thought to be components of the multimolecular complexes of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier, and they may play a role in calcium-mediated responses.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 3

Location in Chromosome : 3q25.32-q25.33

Description of this Gene: IQCJ-SCHIP1 readthrough

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs9883498 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis PMID 30019117 2018 The coexistence of copy number variations (CNVs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at a locus can result in distorted calculations of the significance in associating SNPs to disease.

rs9824310 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Iron binding capacity total measurement PMID 28334935 2017 Genome-wide association study of iron traits and relation to diabetes in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL): potential genomic intersection of iron and glucose regulation?

rs11710258 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Oral Ulcer PMID 30837455 2019 Genome wide analysis for mouth ulcers identifies associations at immune regulatory loci.

rs9883498 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and SCOLIOSIS, ISOLATED, SUSCEPTIBILITY TO, 3 PMID 30019117 2018 The coexistence of copy number variations (CNVs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at a locus can result in distorted calculations of the significance in associating SNPs to disease.

rs17807116 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Smoking PMID 26053186 2015 Mercapturic Acids Derived from the Toxicants Acrolein and Crotonaldehyde in the Urine of Cigarette Smokers from Five Ethnic Groups with Differing Risks for Lung Cancer.

rs17807116 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Smoking Behaviors PMID 26053186 2015 Mercapturic Acids Derived from the Toxicants Acrolein and Crotonaldehyde in the Urine of Cigarette Smokers from Five Ethnic Groups with Differing Risks for Lung Cancer.

rs9824310 in SCHIP1;IQCJ-SCHIP1 gene and Total iron binding capacity function PMID 28334935 2017 Genome-wide association study of iron traits and relation to diabetes in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL): potential genomic intersection of iron and glucose regulation?