Gene: SNORA70F

Alternate names for this Gene:

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome:

Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

Gene: COBLL1

Alternate names for this Gene: COBLR1

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 2

Location in Chromosome : 2q24.3

Description of this Gene: cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein like 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs6738627 in SNORA70F;COBLL1 gene and Leptin measurement PMID 26833098 2016 Genome-wide meta-analysis uncovers novel loci influencing circulating leptin levels.

rs6738627 in SNORA70F;COBLL1 gene and body fat percentage (physical finding) PMID 26833246 2016 New loci for body fat percentage reveal link between adiposity and cardiometabolic disease risk.