Gene: SUB1

Alternate names for this Gene: P15|PC4|p14

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 5

Location in Chromosome : 5p13.3

Description of this Gene: SUB1 regulator of transcription

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs7726475 in SUB1 gene and Blood Pressure PMID 21422096 2011 Combined admixture mapping and association analysis identifies a novel blood pressure genetic locus on 5p13: contributions from the CARe consortium.

rs12519859 in SUB1 gene and Breast Carcinoma PMID 29059683 2017 Association analysis identifies 65 new breast cancer risk loci.

PMID 25751625 2015 Genome-wide association analysis of more than 120,000 individuals identifies 15 new susceptibility loci for breast cancer.