Gene: TJAP1

Alternate names for this Gene: PILT|TJP4

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a tight junction-associated protein. Incorporation of the encoded protein into tight junctions occurs at a late stage of formation of the junctions. The encoded protein localizes to the Golgi and may function in vesicle trafficking. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been described. A related pseudogene exists on the X chromosome.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p21.1

Description of this Gene: tight junction associated protein 1

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs61018535 in TJAP1 gene and Electrocardiogram: P-R interval PMID 24324551 2013 Genome wide association study (GWAS) of Chagas cardiomyopathy in Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive subjects.