Gene: TMEM132B

Alternate names for this Gene: -

Gene Summary:

Gene is located in Chromosome: 12

Location in Chromosome : 12q24.31-q24.32

Description of this Gene: transmembrane protein 132B

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs16919315 in TMEM132B gene and Autistic Disorder PMID 22843504 2012 Individual common variants exert weak effects on the risk for autism spectrum disorders.

rs75311705 in TMEM132B gene and Forced expiratory volume function PMID 26634245 2015 A genome-wide association study identifies risk loci for spirometric measures among smokers of European and African ancestry.

rs7956979 in TMEM132B gene and Narcolepsy PMID 19629137 2009 Genome-wide association database developed in the Japanese Integrated Database Project.

rs550677 in TMEM132B gene and Smoking PMID 30643258 2019 Genome-wide association analyses of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over 1 million individuals identify hundreds of loci and shared genetic influences.