Gene: TRIM10

Alternate names for this Gene: HERF1|RFB30|RNF9

Gene Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) family. The TRIM motif includes three zinc-binding domains, a RING, a B-box type 1 and a B-box type 2, and a coiled-coil region. This protein localizes to cytoplasmic bodies. Studies in mice suggest that this protein plays a role in terminal differentiation of erythroid cells. Alternate splicing of this gene generates two transcript variants encoding different isoforms.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p22.1

Description of this Gene: tripartite motif containing 10

Type of Gene: protein-coding

Gene: TRIM15

Alternate names for this Gene: RNF93|ZNF178|ZNFB7

Gene Summary: The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the tripartite motif (TRIM) family. The TRIM motif includes three zinc-binding domains, a RING, a B-box type 1 and a B-box type 2, and a coiled-coil region. The protein localizes to the cytoplasm. Alternatively spliced transcript variants have been described, but their biological validity has not been determined.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 6

Location in Chromosome : 6p22.1

Description of this Gene: tripartite motif containing 15

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs17188113 in TRIM10;TRIM15 gene and Ulcerative Colitis PMID 29562276 2018 Enhanced Contribution of HLA in Pediatric Onset Ulcerative Colitis.