Gene: UGT1A11P

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Gene Summary:

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Location in Chromosome :

Description of this Gene:

Type of Gene:

rs2269352 in UGT1A11P gene and Bilirubin level result PMID 19419973 2009 Common variants in the SLCO1B3 locus are associated with bilirubin levels and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

PMID 23371916 2013 A genome-wide association study for serum bilirubin levels and gene-environment interaction in a Chinese population.

PMID 19414484 2009 Genome-wide association meta-analysis for total serum bilirubin levels.

rs2269352 in UGT1A11P gene and Bilirubin measurement PMID 19419973 2009 Common variants in the SLCO1B3 locus are associated with bilirubin levels and unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

PMID 23371916 2013 A genome-wide association study for serum bilirubin levels and gene-environment interaction in a Chinese population.

PMID 19414484 2009 Genome-wide association meta-analysis for total serum bilirubin levels.