Gene: WIPF2

Alternate names for this Gene: WICH|WIRE

Gene Summary: This gene encodes a WASP interacting protein (WIP)-related protein. It has been shown that this protein has a role in the WASP-mediated organization of the actin cytoskeleton and that this protein is a potential link between the activated platelet-derived growth factor receptor and the actin polymerization machinery.

Gene is located in Chromosome: 17

Location in Chromosome : 17q21.2

Description of this Gene: WAS/WASL interacting protein family member 2

Type of Gene: protein-coding

rs75041531 in WIPF2 gene and Electrocardiogram: P-R interval PMID 24324551 2013 Genome wide association study (GWAS) of Chagas cardiomyopathy in Trypanosoma cruzi seropositive subjects.

rs62065255 in WIPF2 gene and Hair Color PMID 30531825 2018 Genome-wide study of hair colour in UK Biobank explains most of the SNP heritability.