Variant: rs120074185

present in Gene: KCNQ1 present in Chromosome: 11 Position on Chromosome: 2776032 Alleles of this Variant: C/A;T

rs120074185 in KCNQ1 gene and Long QT Syndrome 1 PMID 9570196 1998 New mutations in the KVLQT1 potassium channel that cause long-QT syndrome.

PMID 9641694 1998 A recessive variant of the Romano-Ward long-QT syndrome?

PMID 9386136 1997 KVLQT1 C-terminal missense mutation causes a forme fruste long-QT syndrome.

PMID 25705178 2015 Cellular mechanisms of mutations in Kv7.1: auditory functions in Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome vs. Romano-Ward syndrome.

PMID 9693036 1998 Genomic structure of three long QT syndrome genes: KVLQT1, HERG, and KCNE1.

PMID 9312006 1997 Properties of KvLQT1 K+ channel mutations in Romano-Ward and Jervell and Lange-Nielsen inherited cardiac arrhythmias.

PMID 24184248 2014 A molecular mechanism for adrenergic-induced long QT syndrome.

PMID 9323054 1997 Dominant-negative KvLQT1 mutations underlie the LQT1 form of long QT syndrome.

PMID 8818942 1996 Evidence of a long QT founder gene with varying phenotypic expression in South African families.

PMID 21241800 2011 Biophysical properties of mutant KCNQ1 S277L channels linked to hereditary long QT syndrome with phenotypic variability.

PMID 9482580 1998 Molecular genetics of the long QT syndrome: two novel mutations of the KVLQT1 gene and phenotypic expression of the mutant gene in a large kindred.

PMID 9024139 1997 Four novel KVLQT1 and four novel HERG mutations in familial long-QT syndrome.

PMID 9272155 1997 The long QT syndrome: a novel missense mutation in the S6 region of the KVLQT1 gene.

PMID 18165683 2008 The KCNQ1 (Kv7.1) COOH terminus, a multitiered scaffold for subunit assembly and protein interaction.

PMID 16922724 2006 Spectrum of pathogenic mutations and associated polymorphisms in a cohort of 44 unrelated patients with long QT syndrome.

PMID 12442276 2002 KCNQ1 and KCNH2 mutations associated with long QT syndrome in a Chinese population.

PMID 10220146 1999 High-throughput single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis by automated capillary electrophoresis: robust multiplex analysis and pattern-based identification of allelic variants.

PMID 16414944 2005 Genetic testing in the long QT syndrome: development and validation of an efficient approach to genotyping in clinical practice.

PMID 10367071 1999 [Congenital long QT syndrome. The value of genetics in prognostic evaluation].

PMID 19808498 2009 Biophysical properties of 9 KCNQ1 mutations associated with long-QT syndrome.

rs120074185 in KCNQ1 gene and Prolonged QT interval PMID 15746441 2005 In the present study, we show that PIP2 affinity is reduced in three KCNQ1 mutant channels (R243H, R539W, and R555C) associated with the long QT syndrome.

PMID 22456477 2012 Mutations in cytoplasmic loops of the KCNQ1 channel and the risk of life-threatening events: implications for mutation-specific response to β-blocker therapy in type 1 long-QT syndrome.

PMID 12877697 2003 Catecholamine-provoked microvoltage T wave alternans in genotyped long QT syndrome.

PMID 9386136 1997 In contrast, a missense mutation, Arg555Cys, identified in the C-terminal domain in 3 families, was associated with a significantly less pronounced QT prolongation (459+/-33 ms, n=41, versus 480+/-32 ms, n=70, P=.0012), and significantly lower percentages of symptomatic carriers (7 of 44, or 16%, P<.001) and sudden deaths (2 of 44, or 5%, P<.01).

PMID 26669661 2016 Asymmetry of parental origin in long QT syndrome: preferential maternal transmission of KCNQ1 variants linked to channel dysfunction.

PMID 19934648 2010 PKA and PKC partially rescue long QT type 1 phenotype by restoring channel-PIP2 interactions.

PMID 14760488 2004 Genetic variations of KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A, KCNE1, and KCNE2 in drug-induced long QT syndrome patients.

PMID 19716085 2009 Spectrum and prevalence of mutations from the first 2,500 consecutive unrelated patients referred for the FAMILION long QT syndrome genetic test.

PMID 15840476 2005 Compendium of cardiac channel mutations in 541 consecutive unrelated patients referred for long QT syndrome genetic testing.

PMID 18174212 2008 Kv7.1 (KCNQ1) properties and channelopathies.