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PMID 8954067 1996 Association of a mutation in thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter with familial Gitelman's syndrome.
PMID 17654016 2007 Novel mutations in the SLC12A3 gene causing Gitelman's syndrome in Swedes.
PMID 9734597 1998 Novel mutations in the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter gene in patients with Gitelman syndrome with predominant localization to the C-terminal domain.
PMID 26099046 2015 Interleukin 18 function in atherosclerosis is mediated by the interleukin 18 receptor and the Na-Cl co-transporter.
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PMID 10616841 2000 Novel mutations in thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter gene of patients with Gitelman's syndrome.
PMID 11940055 2002 Severe hypomagnesaemia-induced hypocalcaemia in a patient with Gitelman's syndrome.
PMID 15069170 2004 Four novel mutations in the thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl co-transporter gene in Japanese patients with Gitelman's syndrome.
PMID 26633545 2016 Molecular diagnostic experience of whole-exome sequencing in adult patients.
PMID 15687331 2005 Phenotype and genotype analysis in Chinese patients with Gitelman's syndrome.
PMID 8900229 1996 Novel molecular variants of the Na-Cl cotransporter gene are responsible for Gitelman syndrome.
PMID 12008755 2002 Two novel mutations of thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotrans porter (TSC) gene in two sporadic Japanese patients with Gitelman syndrome.
PMID 12112667 2002 Identification of fifteen novel mutations in the SLC12A3 gene encoding the Na-Cl Co-transporter in Italian patients with Gitelman syndrome.