Variant: rs121918634

present in Gene: SPTA1 present in Chromosome: 1 Position on Chromosome: 158678434 Alleles of this Variant: A/C;G

rs121918634 in SPTA1 gene and ELLIPTOCYTOSIS 2 (disorder) PMID 8364215 1993 Elliptopoikilocytosis associated with the alpha 469 His-->Pro mutation in spectrin Barcelona (alpha I/50-46b).

PMID 2794061 1989 Sequence and exon-intron organization of the DNA encoding the alpha I domain of human spectrin. Application to the study of mutations causing hereditary elliptocytosis.

PMID 2568862 1989 Sp alpha I/78: a mutation of the alpha I spectrin domain in a white kindred with HE and HPP phenotypes.

PMID 2568861 1989 Spectrin Tunis (Sp alpha I/78), an elliptocytogenic variant, is due to the CGG----TGG codon change (Arg----Trp) at position 35 of the alpha I domain.

PMID 7772539 1995 Spectrin Anastasia (alpha I/78): a new spectrin variant (alpha 45 Arg-->Thr) with moderate elliptocytogenic potential.

PMID 8018926 1994 Identification of three novel spectrin alpha I/74 mutations in hereditary elliptocytosis: further support for a triple-stranded folding unit model of the spectrin heterodimer contact site.

PMID 8193371 1994 Mild elliptocytosis associated with the alpha 34 Arg-->Trp mutation in spectrin Genova (alpha I/74).

PMID 1679439 1991 Four different mutations in codon 28 of alpha spectrin are associated with structurally and functionally abnormal spectrin alpha I/74 in hereditary elliptocytosis.

PMID 1638030 1992 Spectrin Jendouba: an alpha II/31 spectrin variant that is associated with elliptocytosis and carries a mutation distant from the dimer self-association site.

PMID 2384601 1990 Two elliptocytogenic alpha I/74 variants of the spectrin alpha I domain. Spectrin Culoz (GGT----GTT; alpha I 40 Gly----Val) and spectrin Lyon (CTT----TTT; alpha I 43 Leu---Phe).

PMID 1878597 1991 Heterogeneity of the molecular basis of hereditary pyropoikilocytosis and hereditary elliptocytosis associated with increased levels of the spectrin alpha I/74-kilodalton tryptic peptide.

PMID 1541680 1992 A common type of the spectrin alpha I 46-50a-kD peptide abnormality in hereditary elliptocytosis and pyropoikilocytosis is associated with a mutation distant from the proteolytic cleavage site. Evidence for the functional importance of the triple helical model of spectrin.