Variant: rs1542829

present in Gene: COL6A5 present in Chromosome: 3 Position on Chromosome: 130418627 Alleles of this Variant: G/A

rs1542829 in COL6A5 gene and Body mass index PMID 24348519 2013 EMR-linked GWAS study: investigation of variation landscape of loci for body mass index in children.

rs1542829 in COL6A5 gene and Body mass index procedure PMID 24348519 2013 EMR-linked GWAS study: investigation of variation landscape of loci for body mass index in children.

rs1542829 in COL6A5 gene and Finding of body mass index PMID 24348519 2013 EMR-linked GWAS study: investigation of variation landscape of loci for body mass index in children.