PMID 25846457 2015 Exome sequencing identifies a homozygous C5orf42 variant in a Turkish kindred with oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI.
PMID 22425360 2012 Mutations in C5ORF42 cause Joubert syndrome in the French Canadian population.
PMID 25407461 2015 Oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI: is C5orf42 really the major gene?
PMID 21679365 2011 The ciliopathies in neuronal development: a clinical approach to investigation of Joubert syndrome and Joubert syndrome-related disorders.
PMID 24178751 2014 C5orf42 is the major gene responsible for OFD syndrome type VI.
PMID 25846457 2015 Exome sequencing identifies a homozygous C5orf42 variant in a Turkish kindred with oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI.
PMID 21679365 2011 The ciliopathies in neuronal development: a clinical approach to investigation of Joubert syndrome and Joubert syndrome-related disorders.
PMID 22425360 2012 Mutations in C5ORF42 cause Joubert syndrome in the French Canadian population.
PMID 22425360 2012 Mutations in C5ORF42 cause Joubert syndrome in the French Canadian population.
PMID 21679365 2011 The ciliopathies in neuronal development: a clinical approach to investigation of Joubert syndrome and Joubert syndrome-related disorders.
PMID 22236771 2012 Delineation and diagnostic criteria of Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome type VI.
PMID 25846457 2015 Exome sequencing identifies a homozygous C5orf42 variant in a Turkish kindred with oral-facial-digital syndrome type VI.
PMID 24178751 2014 C5orf42 is the major gene responsible for OFD syndrome type VI.