Variant: rs2300835

present in Gene: AKAP6 present in Chromosome: 14 Position on Chromosome: 32738316 Alleles of this Variant: C/A

rs2300835 in AKAP6 gene and Body mass index PMID 22581228 2012 A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.

rs2300835 in AKAP6 gene and Body mass index procedure PMID 22581228 2012 A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.

rs2300835 in AKAP6 gene and Finding of body mass index PMID 22581228 2012 A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.